
status of rdbms complie

  • John Grillot

    John Grillot - 2018-03-05

    Hi Vincent,

    Now that I've been able to get cobol 3.x installed and the non rdbms
    complied and installed. I'd like to see if we can get the rdbms for mysql
    compiled. I'm not sure if you have your software ready for this and I need
    to read the instructions better or if your instructions won't work in my
    environment. So either I need to change my system config to match yours or I
    could help you test how to get your software setup so it will compile in my
    configuration which other may have similar to mine. No rush.

  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    Read the manual Building the ACAS System for base help on this but cannot remember if rdb instructions is present yet.

    Checking . . . . . yes I did see 2.2.

    The rdb sql file should be present and you need to check it if you have other issues with rdb set up let me know and will try and help. You should know the the password for the mysql root admin account so you can use Workbench or mysql program to load the tables and create accounts which may well not be in the manual but I have a note of it so can add it here in another post.


    Last edit: Vincent (Bryan) Coen 2018-06-10

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