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File Date Author Commit
 ACAS-Manuals 4 days ago vcoen [r13] nightly - well as of today anyway
 Experimental-Stuff 2024-04-15 vcoen [r5] Current nightly #2
 common 4 days ago vcoen [r13] nightly - well as of today anyway
 copybooks 4 days ago vcoen [r13] nightly - well as of today anyway
 general 2024-04-16 vcoen [r7] cp updates
 irs 4 days ago vcoen [r13] nightly - well as of today anyway
 purchase 4 days ago vcoen [r13] nightly - well as of today anyway
 sales 4 days ago vcoen [r13] nightly - well as of today anyway
 stock 4 days ago vcoen [r13] nightly - well as of today anyway
 1-README.TXT 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit
 Changelog 4 days ago vcoen [r13] nightly - well as of today anyway 2024-04-16 vcoen [r6] #2
 README 2024-04-16 vcoen [r6] #2
 README.SVN 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit
 README.nightly 2024-04-16 vcoen [r9] #5 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit
 cobol-sources.txt 2024-04-16 vcoen [r6] #2 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit 2024-04-16 vcoen [r6] #2 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit 2024-04-16 vcoen [r6] #2 2024-04-17 vcoen [r10] accept_numeric and script to compile - ditto in... 2024-04-17 vcoen [r10] accept_numeric and script to compile - ditto in... 2024-04-16 vcoen [r6] #2 2024-04-16 vcoen [r6] #2 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit 2023-07-28 vcoen [r1] Initial commit
 readme 2024-04-16 vcoen [r9] #5

Read Me

This readme file is supplied with the ACAS-nightly builds.

Also read README for more up to date information and how to build information
and details of specific code changes by system.

Note that individual programs have their own change log within the source and
this is near the start of each and here it is by date and version and build

The nightly builds are created every night at midnight or there about with
the ACAS source code for the new release v3.02 subject to any chamges occuring.

This is the release that supports RDBMS along with the normal Cobol file

Currently only MySQL and Mariadb is supported.

Updated - again 03-03-2018.
With updates from 10th Feb 2018 including as of 29th January 2018.
With the completion of XL150 the SL & PL End of Cycle processing module all base
programming has now finished and testing can start.

Of course during testing bugs may well be found that involve some coding changes.

All initial testing will use Cobol files and this for three reasons:

1.  There are load programs created to transfer data from Cobol files to DB
    tables with one load program per file but not the other way round. Many of
    these programs have been tested with test data but not all.

    This has helped to test many of the FH (File Handlers) on open, close, read
    logic and the DAL's (Data Access Layer) that control access to a table and
    have also had some testing for open, close, write, rewrite logic.

2.  Existing system flows using files have had (hopefully) minimum logic changes
    and this will help for system testing.

3.  Reduces time for testing as work within MySql is not needed.

That said, when compiling ACAS v3.02 for use with RDBMS - Mysql, it WILL require
that you have installed the MySql or Mariadb client package so that the its
routine hooks can be found by the linker which is called by the Cobol compiler
after compiling the resultant C code.

It is a recommended practice to also install the MySql server service as well.
This is regardless as to it being used. Should point out that for many Linux
distros MySQL or MariaDB is installed as standard although elements of Postgres
can also be present.

This has now changed as there is new scripts to build a non rdbms ACAS system so
use instead of and therefore the need to install
Mysql is removed.

I have created a module that can be used in place of the RDB libraries that just
have the entry points for the DAL modules that in turn call RDB libraries.
Hopefully this way, users can test a Cobol only system without having to install
MySQL or MariaDB server and client libraries.
HOWEVER I have not tested it yet - (in progress).- Yes now tested.

In-house testing platform actually uses two or more drives, the first is a SSD
and this is for booting the O/S (operating system) along with its components but
as there can be more than one version of the O/S present on the SSD - often
three or more so that the second drive which is a hard drive contains all of the
user areas mounted as /home.

For this reason the Mysql parameter file that sits in /etc as my.cfg is changed
to use a different directory point for the databases etc from /var/lib/MySql to

This way, regardless of the version of Linux in use the data in use for MySql is
always the same. NOTE - This is based on the fact that the SAME version of MySQL
is always used.  VERY IMPORTANT POINT. As different version may not have the
same system structure or content.

SO in a nut shell even compiling for only testing Cobol files you MUST have
installed the MySql (or Mariadb) client package.  See the experimental module
called dummy-rdbmsMT.cbl.

This module just has a entry point for each of the DAL modules.
I HAVE NOT completed ANY TESTING WITH IT SO FAR. In progress- Now done.

A bit of background in the way the various ACAS sub systems work :

In all cases (using Cobol files or tables) the system will start by reading the
Cobol parameter file and this consists of four records :
1.  Parameters for the entire system, IRS, GL, SL, PL, Stock etc.
2.  GL Default record. - Used or not.
3.  Final Account settings record holding new description for 26 headings for GL
    but not implemented - No one has requested it so on the back burner.
4.  Sales and Purchase ledger totals for this and last month.

Records 2 and 3 may not be used depending on system settings in record 1.
All cases there is only one record for each type and yes records 2, 3 & 4 could
be in a file of their own but as they are only one record for each it is in the
system file.

Having read in each of these records, the systems checks if RDBMS is in use
having looked at record 1 and if so re-reads the RDB tables for each of these
records over writing the Cobol file records.
THIS HAS NOW CHANGED (24/04/18) and will not read system tables as not needed
because the COBOL file will always be present and be maintained but will update
tables at EOJ. See next block.

At the end of processing for any of the sub systems (Sales,
Purchase, Stock, IRS etc) it will write out all of these records to the Cobol
systems file and if used, the RDB tables.  This is to ensure that both are
always up to date.

Clearly the Cobol file parameter system record must always be used at least
initially to determine what data system is being used and if rdbms, what system
setting to use to access it. A copy is therefore also made to the RDB system
table to match.
This is to future proof the process as it may be changed in that the system
parameter file is not need if using RDBMS as a file can be used to read in the
rdbms connect information, how ever as there is password information present
this might be a security risk if user sites do not fully make use of multi Linux
users who can run specific elements of ACAS and correctly set the file
attributes to prevent users reading this file.
It would involve being very specific on these attributes.

Hopefully the above background helps to explain the logic of needing the RDB
client routines being present within the ACAS executables (programs) as in some
cases the O/S will complain when loading the ACAS programs or modules that the
linked RDB client routines are not present.

WITH the creation of the dummy module and separate build script see above, this
is no longer required.

My order of testing both by system logic / requirements and minimum changes made
for this update :

1.  IRS - Data needed by the other system to post data to for accounting & audit.
    Here using the default CoA (Chart of Accounts) file that is included with
    the ACAS distribution including the nightly build. File name is
    This is a limited type company set of accounts suitable for most businesses
    of any type but will require some fine tuning to suit an individual business
    but good enough for testing. This is a text file that can be edited (having
    made a back up first) to change if needed, see lines starting with :

    T00145002450A - Dividends

    through to

    T00145002545D - Dividends

    Where A to D can be changed to directors names.

    T00186002860Dir - A


    T00186005860Dir - D

    Also look at lines starting :

    Unless you need to change the descriptions of any others just leave them as
    is, as if there is no data posted to any they will not print out except when
    printing the full CoA. This said you might want to add some new entries both
    nominal and sub nominal accounts.

    For reference the supplied CoA can be used as a model to create bespoke
    versions for various different types of organisations such as limited
    liability (as supplied), sole trader, partnerships, charities, local
    governments such as parish councils.

    For testing purposes the current settings are fine unless your country
    requirements require it.

    This file is used to create the CoA using IRS through menu options -
    3->6 (Import  the Chart).

    This will save you having to enter a lot of chart entries.

    Don't forget to specify in the system params that you are using IRS (setting
    Y or B for Both).  IF set to B (both) then the same and purchase system will
    create posting records for each system IRS and GL even if you are not going
    to use one for a short time.  Note that here when using both you will have
    to be very careful to make use of the same account numbers for both that
    applies to the same type of account - allowing for the fact that the account
    number for GL can be 6 digits again IRS using 5 (excluding leading zeros).

2.  For both Sales & Purchase, set up the analysis codes the default ones will
    be created even if no others are set up but you may want to set up 2 or 3
    for each ledger. If nothing else to check that analysis processes are

3.  Stock, create some stock - Here I will raid the kitchen cupboards for cans
    and enter these as stock products as all have bar codes and it is easy to
    create abbreviated codes for them.  Later you can enter a few WIP type
    products such as ready made meals - Oh, beef, peas, beans, vegetables etc
    where each has a specific weight amount used for a set meal such as 30 gm's.

    If you don't like this as an example use you own but remember each element
    must be created as a stock item in their own right before creating the end

    One of the uses that some stores utilise this function for is where products
    arrive in volume such as Cans of baked beans 60 to a case where the can has
    a barcode and the case holding them also has a bar code that is not the same
    as the individual cans.

    In this case by accepting in a full case of 60 the system will end up
    registering all 60 cans in one hit. This needs to be tested any way.

    During this you will have to create in conjunction with Purchase Ledger some
    suppliers for each stock product but create at least two per stock item.

4.  Sales ledger with invoicing, create some customers say 5 - 10. create
    invoices 1 -3 per customer, proof, print, post. Do same a little down the
    line for payments on some.

5.  Purchase ledger do the same for a few suppliers linked to stock
    Raise some orders against stocked items.

Well that will do for initial testing.

16 December 2022

Started using a group level Changelog file to record what changes in any sub
system in folder ACAS. Have are also recorded in sub systems Changelog.

System testing has restarted for Cobol files only at this time.

Had to reinstall sources for GC 3.2 nightly as getting odd errors.
Recompiled all ACAS and installed the executables.
Updated all copyright notices to 2023 in all programs so modules not yet done.

Need to update the JC SQL pre-compiler to support standard EXEC SQL verbs etc
with new compiler command $SET SQL MYSQL
To indicate to presql, RDB in use as might add others later.

As of 11th January 2018.
With pl180 - pl960 completed All programs have now been converted to use RDB /
Cobol files.

That was the easy bit - Next week for unit testing and some manual updates as I
go along.

As of 10th January 2018.
The ACASDB.sql has been updated with new structures and 1 or 2 replacements for
PUOTM5-REC PUINV-LINES-REC PUINVOICE-REC. After these the following tables/s
have been dropped:

PUOIFILE5-REC,  So in sql or via Mysql workbench issue


This will delete this unused table - it may not be the last.

I am working through Purchase Ledger system along with the source from Sales
and this has made changes to the sales ledger code at the same time of updating
Purchase ledger, i.e., found some bugs or other issue types.
At the same time changes are occurring to ./copybooks and ../common including
new individual build scripts that start with 'comp-'

I have said it else where but I will again - Do all initial testing using Cobol
files and leave testing with RDB till later. As there are load programs for each
Cobol file used in the system it is a simple affair to load the RDB from the
Cobol test files

More importantly testing with the Cobol files will help iron out any basic bugs.

If you find any bugs even with the nightly build please report them on the
sourceforge website using the bug tracking feature remember to specify the
program version that is the culprit.

Yes I will be testing but coding takes priority and all my testing will be under
At the moment when coding I am managing 4 - 6 programs per day but I am not
coding every day.

As of now 23:00 (UTC) I am finished with purchase, pl000 to pl170.
So around 10 to go.

My comments of 2nd June are well founded as I have found problems with using the
wrong data areas - hopefully now fixed - so far but testing will find the rest.

As of 2nd June 2017.
Items for 27 & 25th still valid.
While working on PL (purchase) noticed I may have made some coding errors when
replacing FD's with a WS version for all of the Invoice files and there is a
smaller possibility for the other files within Sales as well.

This means that it is possible that the wrong WS data area/s are used to send &
receive data between processes or in other words garbage data.
There fore need to go through work done to check for this on invoice and
possibly all other files before restarting on purchase.

This needs to be done slowly to minimise risk of coding errors.

What should have happened is that for each FD copybook a new one is created but
without the FD statement as it will go into the WS area along with a redefines
for the pre-named group names used in the calls to the acas0nn modules etc.

As of 27th April 2017.
See least comments at foot of doc. for status on individual systems etc,

As of 25th April 2017.
Found a small bug in the param set up modules that shows up as not finding the
file - caused by 'assuming that opening a file as I/O would NOT create it if it
does not exist - it does. A GC change that I had not previously spotted.
They do not document the changes in any form of a clear process.

Some new code for PL010 & 015 but much more to do.

As of 21st April 2017.
Current history (but also see readme file for list of general changes) is
that the following sub system have been coded:

IRS      - A General/Nominal Ledger system that links with all elements
           coding complete and part tested.
Stock    - Stock Control/Inventory Coding completed and part tested.
Sales    - Sales Ledger/Accounts Receivable that links to stock minimal testing.
Purchase - Some coding but a lot more to do - Starting this week.
General  - No work since migrating code to GnuCobol compiler. NOT TESTED at all.

Purchase - Coding the new FH & DALs to process files and RDBMS.
           Many of these are complete but there are 6 or so to do before
           changing the sources to use them and creating the missing load
           programs - See below for more info.

Manuals  - Need to go through Sales, IRS & Stock to update them and for Sales
           to include missing/incomplete sections including an updated
           information of each system and HOWTO for the Cobol compiler
           under Linux. User using Windows should go to the Compiler website
           for such information as I do not develop using it.
           Purchase manual will be formed in part from the Sales manual.
           General - When getting around to testing, this manual will be
           updated. How ever uses wishing to use this system should use IRS
           instead as it is easier to use and is geared for the smaller company
           that does not have a requirement for branch / Department processing.
           Monetary values are not less than 6 digits with many larger.

           ACAS System manual to be written using material from all of the
           others so that all system can be found within one document.

Note the nightly build archive is ONLY created (I hope) if there has been any
changes to the sources that result in a larger archive file. This should cover
most if not all changes but..

You are warned that this version has not yet been tested other than at a basic
level at most.

Programs that load the rdbms (MySQL or Mariadb):

Most have been created, done are Stock, IRS, Sales with some for Purchase.
The rest are being created as the missing FH (Cobol File Handlers) & DAL
(Data Access Layer for RDB) are built.

Tested Load Modules:
IRS      - Fairly well but not complete.
Stock    - Not complete other than basic unit testing.
Sales    - Same as above
Purchase - None and system update is not yet completed.

Note that at the moment these are all independent programs that in the main
load one table from one existing Cobol file. There are two (invoice file) that
create two tables.

There is NOT any process to reverse this, i.e., you cannot go from RDB to file.
So, it is recommended that any testing is done using the Cobol files for at
least one complete cycle making sure you have a back up after each data entry
process for all systems.  Then when you are happy that the Cobol file processing
works you can run the load programs (one at a time at the moment) for all Cobol
files that exist in your test/work directory.

I will later create a master load program that will call each of these current
load programs having created them as modules that will run each if its Cobol
file exists in the ACAS working directory.
This assumes that you have a working copy of MySQL running and that the ACAS
database has been created with a suitable user to access it and as set up in
the ACAS parameter system file. This file will ALWAYS exist regardless of using
Cobol files or RDBMS tables as it is needed to work out what system is being
used. In the case of this file a table is also used and this is the primary
location for the param data during ACAS running however the Cobol file is
updated with the current settings before ACAS terminates normally.

Nightly Builds comments:
By using the nightly build it gives you, the user a chance to look at the next
version very early on, but the code may well not be complete or tested.

Known compile issues as of 19/04/2017 :

Directory     	Name          	Problem

common		xl150		Produces many errors - Expected as not been RDB
 				updated. TO do after purchase completed.
				This program is responsible for handling end of
				period and cycle processing for most of the ACAS
				systems (not irs) so has to be done :)
purchase        sl020}		As above.

general 	All		Has not yet been updated for RDB or tested.

manuals		All		Still to be updated/rewritten but will do during
system and UAT testing.

ACASDB.sql	This is a dump from my dev. system only running
				MariaDB  and can include basic test data with
 				the RDB structures and these are still subject
			 	to change as the outstanding DAL units are
				being developed that could mean changes to the
				row names and sizes.
				There might even be some more tables added.
				Depending on testing there is also another RDB
				system held on a OSX platform running MySql
				that could be added with more data present.
				If you will use these dumps using an editor
				remove the Data blocks saving the file to a
				newly named file and run that to populate
				your Mysql system. However it is strongly
				recommended you stick to using the Cobol file
				processing settings in the parameter file at
				least for initial testing that way you have
				data that can be loaded into the ACAS database.
				There is no process to do this in reverse.

Initial testing using the Load programs (but not all of them) has shown that the
F.H. (Cobol File Handlers) can open, close & Read data.
The DAL (RDB table Data Access Layer) can open, close, write, rewrite data to
the tables.

Clearly there is more testing needed for the outstanding functions of both
types and this would need to be tested within the applications and therefore
could result in bugs being found.

All file processing - both Cobol files and the RDB will create a text file in
the ACAS production directory where the system.dat file resides that contains
the history of all accesses to files and RDB tables and this is set by a switch
in one of the copybook files (Test-Data-Flags.cob) field is SW-Testing and is
currently set to 1. To turn this off set to zero. I do not recommend you do
this at the moment during Alpha and Beta functional testing.

Last updated: vbc - 16th April 2024.