Activity for ACADO Toolkit

  • Ricardo Tapia Ricardo Tapia modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am trying to setup a time optimal control problem similar to what is done in casadi example_here , I have the following: (this problem is a obstacle avoidance problem, with bycicle model) seems EXPORT =1; COMPILE = 1; %% Vehicle Parameter Definitions g = 9.8; % Gravity Constant m = 3600/2.2; % Vehicle Mass L = 2.1336; % Wheelbase l_fl_r = 0.85; % A/B Ratio alfaf_max = 7*pi/180; % Design Limit alat_max = 0.7*g; % Design Limit K_u = 1.1; % Understeer b = L/(1+l_fl_r); % CG Distance to Rear...

  • Ricardo Tapia Ricardo Tapia posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The error seems to be due to the solver settings, after removing them I can run the simulation. Any idea what exact settings is causing the error?

  • Ricardo Tapia Ricardo Tapia modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am trying to setup a time optimal control problem similar to what is done in casadi example_here , I have the following: (this problem is a obstacle avoidance problem, with bycicle model) seems EXPORT =1; COMPILE = 1; %% Vehicle Parameter Definitions g = 9.8; % Gravity Constant m = 3600/2.2; % Vehicle Mass L = 2.1336; % Wheelbase l_fl_r = 0.85; % A/B Ratio alfaf_max = 7*pi/180; % Design Limit alat_max = 0.7*g; % Design Limit K_u = 1.1; % Understeer b = L/(1+l_fl_r); % CG Distance to Rear...

  • Ricardo Tapia Ricardo Tapia modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am trying to setup a time optimal control problem similar to what is done in casadi example_here , I have the following: (this problem is a obstacle avoidance problem, with bycicle model) EXPORT =1; COMPILE = 1; %% Vehicle Parameter Definitions g = 9.8; % Gravity Constant m = 3600/2.2; % Vehicle Mass L = 2.1336; % Wheelbase l_fl_r = 0.85; % A/B Ratio alfaf_max = 7*pi/180; % Design Limit alat_max = 0.7*g; % Design Limit K_u = 1.1; % Understeer b = L/(1+l_fl_r); % CG Distance to Rear Wheel...

  • Ricardo Tapia Ricardo Tapia modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am trying to setup a time optimal control problem similar to what is done in casadi example_here , I have the following: (this problem is a obstacle avoidance problem, with bycicle model) EXPORT =1; COMPILE = 1; %% Vehicle Parameter Definitions bicycle_dyn; %% Simulation Parameters %%%%%%%% discretization N = 200; % temporal nodes % T = 5.2; % final time % Reference Path xt = linspace(-40,40,N+1); r_ref = [xt; zeros(1,N+1)]; %%%%%%%%% obstacle definition Circulur % Obstacle 2 % ---------------...

  • Ricardo Tapia Ricardo Tapia modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am trying to setup a time optimal control problem similar to what is done in casadi example_here , I have the following: (this problem is a obstacle avoidance problem, with bycicle model) EXPORT =1; COMPILE = 1; %% Vehicle Parameter Definitions bicycle_dyn; %% Simulation Parameters %%%%%%%% discretization N = 200; % temporal nodes % T = 5.2; % final time % Reference Path xt = linspace(-40,40,N+1); r_ref = [xt; zeros(1,N+1)]; %%%%%%%%% obstacle definition Circulur % Obstacle 2 % ---------------...

  • Ricardo Tapia Ricardo Tapia posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am trying to setup a time optimal control problem similar to what is done in casadi example_here , I have the following: EXPORT =1; COMPILE = 1; %% Vehicle Parameter Definitions bicycle_dyn; %% Simulation Parameters %%%%%%%% discretization N = 200; % temporal nodes % T = 5.2; % final time % Reference Path xt = linspace(-40,40,N+1); r_ref = [xt; zeros(1,N+1)]; %%%%%%%%% obstacle definition Circulur % Obstacle 2 % --------------- original obstacle -------------------------- xmin = -1; xmax...

  • Tom Janssen Tom Janssen posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Switching to Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 compiler worked for me.

  • Tom Janssen Tom Janssen posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am running into the same problem on Windows. Using the same setup: Windows 10/Matlab2022b/Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 compiler Also tried Matlab 2022a ocp/getting_started gives the same result as mentioned by Jan Kowalski parameterestimation/getting_started craches my matlab anyone found a fix?

  • Benjamin Benjamin posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello I am still facing this issue. It seems the documentation is quite out of date, but I have not seen anywhere that has been able solve this issue. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great. I have tried adding "myProcess.replot" as that was the only plotting related thing I could find in the code. I am getting the following errors: [ACADO] Error: Unable to plot subplot as plot data is empty Code: (RET_EMPTY_PLOT_DATA) File: /home/benjamin/workspace/libraries/ACADOtoolkit/acado/user_interaction/plot_window.cpp...

  • Jan Kowalski Jan Kowalski posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Issue is solved by coping the and into /usr/local/MATLAB/R2023a/bin/glnxa64

  • Jan Kowalski Jan Kowalski posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    For the future generations: the linux issue is solved by coping the and into /usr/local/MATLAB/R2023a/bin/glnxa64 and by doing that i was able to get the Linux version of ACADO for matlab to work I am still unable to make it work on Windows and if anyone is able to find the solution please let me know!

  • Jan Kowalski Jan Kowalski posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Those are the ss i took on linux, see attachements after running getting_started.m i know it needs GLIBCXX_3.4.29, but i am sure i have it, up to 3.4.32

  • Jan Kowalski Jan Kowalski posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello everyone my setup: Windows 10/Matlab2022b/Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 compiler linux mint/matlab2023a/gcc I have recently installed ACADO and if i recon correctly when i ran getting_started.m it worked However, now when i try to run anything i am not getting the results that i should. What i mean by that is that even tho examples run is see(this is for getting_started.m): 198 | 1 | 1.431294e+00 | 2.123235e+03 | 2.123251e+03 | 1.000000e+00 | [ACADO] Information: Hessian matrix is not symmetric,...

  • Daniel Bilbao Moreno Daniel Bilbao Moreno posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all! I'm here again to answer my question. To perform what I would like to do, I have used "OnlineData" variables. The main issue was that I did not know how to use these variables in the compiled model created by ACADO. However, I realized that, when we declare a variable such as DifferentialState, Control, Disturbance or OnlineData, the "input" structure manages to organize all those variables. In that way, we only have to update the variables created as "OnlineVariables" in the following...

  • Daniel Bilbao Moreno Daniel Bilbao Moreno posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am implementing an NLMPC controller for a "high-speed train" system with 4 driving wagons. The reference tracking by the system against a predefined reference is correctly performed. To do this, I have defined an explicit ODE by introducing all the differential equations that define the system, thus creating the vector prediction model. In these, there are terms associated with the resistance against curves or ramps, which vary according to the radius of the curve and/or the angle of inclination...

  • jongwonlee jongwonlee posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I have some question regaring "Too many function inputs" error when executing RUN() function at the end of acado toolkit. I execute below code for solving optimal control problem(Below codes are only PART of my code. Whole code is attached at the bottom of this writing.) BEGIN_ACADO; acadoSet('problemname', 'airship_mpc'); =================== Omitted ====================== f = acado.DifferentialEquation(); f.linkMatlabODE('airship_dynamics'); ocp = acado.OCP(0.0,10.0,10); ocp.minimizeMayerTerm(phi);...

  • Vaishali Patne Vaishali Patne posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I am installing ACADO on matlab 2019a - I have mingw ionstalled - when doing make clean all - error is generated: make clean all Cleaning up all ACADO files... Removing ACADO folders from Matlab path... Clean completed. Making ACADO... Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C++)'. MEX completed successfully. Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C++)'. Error using mex In file included from C:/Users/Admn/ACADOtoolkit/acado/utils/acado_utils.hpp:39:0, from C:\Users\Admn\ACADOtoolkit\acado\utils\acado_message_handling.cpp:37:...

  • Bilal Mubdir Bilal Mubdir posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi all, I followed the instructions for interfacing ACADO to the MATLAB uder Linux (I'm using Ubuntu 22.04.1) and when I'm running the getting_started example, I'm receiving the following error (screenshot attached)! I tried my best solve it but nothing worked!! Any one can assist me in that? regards, Bilal

  • Bilal Mubdir Bilal Mubdir posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Did you managed to solve this issue?? I have Ubunto 22.04 and I'm facing the same issue.

  • Imane Imane posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for your response Le jeu. 21 juil. 2022 à 21:07, Youssef Elshebani a écrit : Hi, three years later and now I am gettting this since no one answered its hopeless outhere Error: The integration routine stopped as the required accuracy can not be obtained Sent from because you indicated interest in To unsubscribe...

  • Youssef Elshebani Youssef Elshebani posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    what are the other framework you tried this problem with

  • Youssef Elshebani Youssef Elshebani posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, three years later and now I am gettting this since no one answered its hopeless outhere

  • Youssef Elshebani Youssef Elshebani posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi I am getting the same error and wondering if you got a solution for that since it happened to you. thanks

  • Youssef Elshebani Youssef Elshebani posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, total nube question what I need is to constraint my optimization control problem such that the value at the end of the - the value the beginning is zero lets say we have a differential state x i want to express this ocp.subjectTo (x(T) - x(0) =0) how can I implement this in acado. I looked over the subjectTo method there is one thing I didn't understand and kind of hoping its what I need * ocp.subjectTo( 0.0, r , -r , 0.0 ); Adds a constraint of the form lb_ <= arg1(0) + arg_2(T) <= ub with constant...

  • Kaustav Mondal Kaustav Mondal modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I face the same problem. If I use minimizeLSQ(Q,h,r); minimizeLSQEndTerm(QN,hN,rN); I get "Error: Only standard LSQ objective supported for code generation". If I use minimizeLSQ(Q,h); minimizeLSQEndTerm(QN,hN); I don't get this error. Can I use acadoVariables.y and acadoVariables.yN in my C++ code without explicitly defining rand rN in my ACADO code ?

  • Kaustav Mondal Kaustav Mondal posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I face the same problem. If I use minimizeLSQ(Q,h,r); minimizeLSQEndTerm(QN,hN,rN); I get "Error: Only standard LSQ objective supported for code generation". If I use minimizeLSQ(Q,h); minimizeLSQEndTerm(QN,hN); I don't get this error. Can I use acadoVariables.y and acadoVariables.yN in my C++ code without explicitly defining rand rN in my ACADO code ?

  • Moritz K Moritz K posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Did you solve this issue? I also want to have a (dynamic) constraint in Matrix inequality form Ax<=b with x being the diffstates x, y (dimensions 2x1) and A a matrix with dimensions n x 2 and b a vector nx1 given by the user later after the code generation. How can i implement that using ACADO?

  • Daniele Morra Daniele Morra posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm generating the code for a MPC that should do path following, so it should know the spatial trajectory to get the reference points from its position. I found that ACADO doesn't accept a DVector reference if I'd like to generate code and to export it... Meanwhile it is possible to do it if you execute the algorithm directly from the source code. Practically I noticed that I cannot do that: ocp.minimizeLSQ(W, h, r) but it only accepts: ocp.minimizeLSQ(W, h) Do you have any catches or walkaround...

  • Owen Lee Owen Lee posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi I'm using MATLAB interface and trying to put mexInputMatrix into acado.subjectTo function as an equality constraint such as % Way-point input x_way = acado.MexInputMatrix; y_way = acado.MexInputMatrix; z_way = acado.MexInputMatrix; psi_way = acado.MexInputMatrix; ocp.subjectTo( x == x_way ); ocp.subjectTo( y == y_way ); ocp.subjectTo( z == z_way ); ocp.subjectTo( psi == psi_way ); However, whenever I run the matlab file, following errors occur error C2593: 'operator ==' is ambiguous How to fix...

  • Owen Lee Owen Lee modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm trying to use 'MexInputMatrix' to put it in ocp.subjectTo( disturbance == MexInputMatrix ) as mentioned at the acado_matlab_manual ( time depending constraint can be used as ocp.subjectTo( u1 == myMatrix ), where myMatrix contains in the first column the time points and in the second column the time depending values ). However, whenever I put MexInputMatrix into ocp.subjectTo error message occur. My code and error are as follow: BEGIN_ACADO; acadoSet('problemname', 'quad_nmpc'); % Differential...

  • Owen Lee Owen Lee posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm trying to use 'MexInputMatrix' to put it in ocp.subjectTo( disturbance == MexInputMatrix ) as mentioned at the acado_matlab_manual ( time depending constraint can be used as ocp.subjectTo( u1 == myMatrix ), where myMatrix contains in the first column the time points and in the second column the time depending values ). However, whenever I put MexInputMatrix into ocp.subjectTo error message occur. My code and error are as follow: BEGIN_ACADO; acadoSet('problemname', 'quad_nmpc'); % Differential...

  • Changyu Lee Changyu Lee posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Use Onlinedata

  • Owen Lee Owen Lee posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I want to use time-varying parameter or time-varying disturbance in receding horizon. Are there any solutions for it in ACADO toolkit? Please help. Thank you.

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello All, In case of someone is facing the same problem, the solution is : stop synchronising your one drive app. Go to One drive app and stop sync.

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello I am trying to implement linear inequalities states constraints in the form A1x<= B1 A2x <= B2 with control constraints using code generation with Matlab interface. The predicated trajectory does not respect the state constraints So, I wonder if I miss something.

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello , in case someone has the same problem. The problem is related to the version of ACADO, download and setup another version ( not from GIthub)

  • Geesara Prathap Kulathunga Geesara Prathap Kulathunga posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank youuuu, it works fine now :)

  • Changyu Lee Changyu Lee posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    try sqrt{ x^2 + small value} Because sqrt{x^2} is a non-differential function at x = 0

  • Geesara Prathap Kulathunga Geesara Prathap Kulathunga posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I used sqrt () function in the constraints, thats why I got nan error. Could someone explain why this happens?

  • Geesara Prathap Kulathunga Geesara Prathap Kulathunga posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    In the attach file, without considering onlineData, the program works fine. However, when I add some online data, solver give nan values. Setting of onlineData is fine. Not sure why I get nan when incoporating onlineData. Thanks

  • Mohammad Alokili Mohammad Alokili posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi there, I have a MHE to estimate the friction coeficiant and I want to pass measurment in simulink to acado s function could someone help? best regards

  • CRI CRI posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear all, I am new to ACADOI and I am wondering the computational needs to deal with this amazing tool. I would like to set-up a workstation to be used with ACADO and I am wondering about the most important parts to spend money on them (RAM, CPU, graphics card...). If someone could provide some tips/reference/papers would be very helpful. Thanks in advance for your support!

  • Antony Thomas Antony Thomas posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Can we use a conditional quadratic cost for MPC ? For example, when the state variable is within some threshold there is a sort of penalty cost (constant or variable) and when outside the threshold the cost would be (let's say) zero.

  • Mohammad Alokili Mohammad Alokili posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    hello Hassan, how can I clear the static counter from matlab, I use 2 MPC in the same Project in Matlab best regards

  • Mohammad Alokili Mohammad Alokili modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello there, how to use 2 MPC for different problem but in the same Project in matlab ? is it possible to rename ACADO variable Acado data Acadoinput and Acado output ? could someone help ? best regards

  • Mohammad Alokili Mohammad Alokili modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello there, how to use 2 MPC for different problem but in the same Project in matlab ? ist possible to rename ACADO variable Acado data Acadoinput and Acado output ? could someone help ? best regards

  • Mohammad Alokili Mohammad Alokili posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello there, how to use 2 MPC for different problem but in the same Project ? ist possible to rename ACADO variable Acado data Acadoinput and Acado output ? could someone help ? best regards

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Lee Did you solve this issue because when I set prediction horizon to 200 for example is crashes

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I partially solved the problem by using input1 = acado.MexInputVector; input2 =acado.MexInputMatrix; so I can do path following without code generation but still have one last problem which is how can I solve pf and optimal time ocp. At the moment when I use ocp.minimizeMayerTerm(T); h={x-pathx,y-pathy,z1}; I have an error Any suggestions

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I tried this piece of code but this does not work clear all;clc; BEGIN_ACADO; acadoSet('problemname', 'exp_check'); DifferentialState x y yaw velocity steer ; Parameter T Control u1 u2 input1 = acado.MexInputVector; % x0 is free input2 = acado.MexInputVector; input3 = acado.MexInputVector; input4 = acado.MexInputVector; input5 = acado.MexInputVector; input8 = acado.MexInputVector; % x0 is free input9 = acado.MexInputVector; input10 = acado.MexInputVector; input11 = acado.MexInputVector; input12...

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, If I have a path from point A to point B and at a certain point C I would like to solve an optimization problem (OCP) to calculate the minmium time from point C to point B taking into account the car dynamics The OCP should accept the system states at point C. pathx and pathy are path coordinates as functions of artifical system dyanmics (z1,z2) I would be thankful if someone can help. %% Here we slove an MPC path follwoing problem, the positions at each time step is calculated online...

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Changyu Have you solved this issue BR Mohamed

  • Lalit Lalit posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have installed the complier but I am not sure about the location where in to place it. So every time I run the command mex -setup; it say not found.

  • Roberto Pili Roberto Pili posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear all, I am developing an ACADO optimization problem that includes long equations. When I compile the file I get an error suggesting me to use the /bigobj option of the compiler. Do you know anything about that? Thank you in advance!

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    when I implement the following : for i=1:36 exploration(1,i)= exp(([x;y] - wp(1:2,i))'* Wg(i) * ([x;y] - wp(1:2,i))); end h = [diffStates; controls;exploration]; hN = [diffStates]; I got the following error : The following error occurred converting from acado.Exp to double: Conversion to double from acado.Exp is not possible.

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello , I am trying to use online data in matlab interface and I would like to define the following objective function min exp((x_k - xp_i)' * W_i (x_k - xp_i)) where xp_i and W_i are the cooridantes in x-y palnes and W_i is a weighting for each point i I tried to use online data but it seems it has a problem DifferentialState x y yaw velocity steer ; Control u1 u2; % input rate (-> per sec) OnlineData W(1,36) OnlineData xp(2,36) f = dot([x; y; yaw; velocity; steer]) == ... [velocitycos(yaw); velocitysin(yaw);...

  • Mert35 Mert35 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Did you solve the problem ?

  • Fakhreddin Am Fakhreddin Am modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi everyone. I'm using the code generation tool and I have faced two problems which I would be so grateful if you could help me solve; 1. I have defined three differential states as below: DifferentialState X; //x position of the robot DifferentialState Y; // y position of the robot DifferentialState theta_c; //heading angle I also have three controls for each motor (omega_1, omega_2, omega3) and I have my equations as: f << dot(X) == j[0][0] * omega_1 + j[0][1] * omega_2 + j[0][2] * omega_3; f <<...

  • Fakhreddin Am Fakhreddin Am posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi everyone. I'm using the code generation tool and I have faced two problems which I would be so grateful if you could help me solve; 1. I have defined three differential states as below: DifferentialState X; //x position of the robot DifferentialState Y; // y position of the robot DifferentialState theta_c; //heading angle I also have three controls for each motor (omega_1, omega_2, omega3) and I have my equations as: f << dot(X) == j[0][0] * omega_1 + j[0][1] * omega_2 + j[0][2] * omega_3; f <<...

  • zeqiuwu zeqiuwu posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    you need write a .m file to export a mex file eg. make_acado_solver('../../NMPC_controller') then you use the m file to call the mex file in simulink like coder.extrinsic('MPC_ACADO');

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi all, I am using ACADO to solve simple obstacle avoidance problem, I can solve it using .m file. Now I am stuck how can I define these constraints and use s function in Simulink Thanks

  • SimF_432238 SimF_432238 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi., Did you find a solution to this? I have a similar problem. Kind regards SimF

  • Murad Dawood Murad Dawood modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • Jodi Jodi modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • Jodi Jodi modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • Jodi Jodi modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • Murad Dawood Murad Dawood posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey there, you found a solution to your problem?

  • Murad Dawood Murad Dawood modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • Murad Dawood Murad Dawood modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Mohamed Could you solve this problem using ACADO?

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello All; Now I am working on a UGV equipped with a Lidar sensor, based on the detected region I make convex partitioning. I define the constraints so that the car should move in one of the convex partitions. Imagine the car is at time t_1 and you have 2 convex partitions that you need the car to move in. The optimizer should find the states in partition 1 and the time to switch to the second partition and then find the state trajectory in the second partition/phase, such that the time the car spent...

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello All; Now I am working on a UGV which equipped with Lidar sensor, based on the detected region I make convex partationing. I define the constraints so that the car should move in one of the convex partions. Imagine the car is at time t_1 and you have 2 covex partions that you need the car to move in. The optimzer should find the states in partation 1 and the time to switch to the second partion and then find the sate trajectory in the second partion/phase, such that the time the car spent in...

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello All; I would like to ask can ACADO solve a multi phase OCP ? Thanks

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello All; I would like to ask how can I solve multi phase OCP using ACADO Thanks

  • Michael Müller Michael Müller posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello everyone, I am currently working with a NMPC, which serves as a trajectory following control. For the simulation in Simulink I use the control together with a two-track model of a vehicle. The control parameters of the controller are the steering angle rate and the longitudinal slip rate. In the simulation in Simulink, the controller works perfectly. If I now divide the model into control and two-track model and play the control on the dSpace AutoBox, the NMPC no longer works. The steering...

  • Changyu Lee Changyu Lee posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi All, Do you know how to set constraints on the mean of a variable? I'm working on MATLAB - code generation Thanks

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Changyu Lee, Thanks for your reply, I mean that Lidar gives a box shaped obstacle and I want to represent this box as a linear inequality constraints so that the car does not stuck in front of one of the box faces

  • Roberto Pili Roberto Pili posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear all, I have followed the examples related to the ACADO code generation and usage in Simulink, but I have now a last problem before I can run my model in Simulink. Since I need to perform interpolation in my differential equations, I need to write an external MATLAB function (I use the syntax f.linkMatlabODE('myfun') when I do not carry out the code generation). Interpolation cannot handle symbolic variables, therefore I cannot use the ACADO syntax in the example for the differential equations....

  • Changyu Lee Changyu Lee posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Use onlinedata in ACADO syntax

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi All, I am implementing a simple car model equipped with a Lidar sensor to detect the environment, Lidar should detect the obstacle position ( the outer boundary of the obstacle) which should enter the optimization problem as a time varying linear constraints. I am facing a problem how to implement this constraints using ACADO in matlab interface. Does anyone have any idea? Thanks

  • Michael Müller Michael Müller posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello everyone, I am currently working on a project where I want to use the "acado toolkit" together with Simulink. I am trying to generate an S-function via a "C/C++ Code Block" from Simulink. In this S-function I use C++ files from the acado toolkit. I want to create an integrator and followed the examples of the toolkit. So that the acado own code is recognized the header "acado_integrators.hpp" must be included in the S-function. But when I try to generate the S-function I get several errors....

  • Changyu Lee Changyu Lee posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi ! I am using the ACADO code generation tool for trajectory optimization, but I don't know how to print the optimal time. Please tell me someone who knows how. !! DifferentialState s DifferentialState v Control F Parameter T %% Differential equation f = dot([s; v]) == ... [v; F/100]; Thanks in advance.

  • Pooja Mane Pooja Mane posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Did you find a solution for that?

  • Pooja Mane Pooja Mane posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Even I am dealing with the similar issue. Did anyone find a way?

  • Murad Dawood Murad Dawood modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • Murad Dawood Murad Dawood modified a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • Murad Dawood Murad Dawood modified a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • Murad Dawood Murad Dawood posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Many thanks for your help Michael. I am actually trying to generate the files from a C++ directly not through Matlab and I am failing miserably :D. Best of luck with your question.

  • Michael Müller Michael Müller posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey Murad, I used the class SIMexport from acado. The command "make_acado_integrator" autogenerated several files ( acado_integrate.c, acado_integrator.c, acado_auxiliary_sim_functions.c, acado_compare.c acado_auxiliary_sim_functions.h acado_common.h) and of course the .mex file. My actual goal is to generate an S-function that does the same as the .mex file and can be used in an RTI environment. Because that doesn't work with the .mex file. If you are looking for an example go to: acado-master\interfaces\matlab\examples\code_generation\nmpc\robot...

  • Murad Dawood Murad Dawood posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey Michael, a simple question, how did you generate the acado_integrate.c file? I only end up with the executable file.

  • Murad Dawood Murad Dawood posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am trying to generate the C code as instructed in But I only get the executable file, the acado_common.h, acado_auxiliary_functions.h, and acado_intergrator, etc... are not generated. When building the Acado root folder, the files are generated for crane and pendulum examples. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I even tried building several repositories from github but end with the same results (executable file only). no errors shown...

  • Murad Dawood Murad Dawood posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am having the same error. Only the executable file is generated, the acado_common.h, acado_auxiliary_functions.h, and acado_intergrator, etc... are not generated. Did you find a way to solve it?

  • Michael Müller Michael Müller posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey, could someone please explain me what die file "acado_integrate.c" does? The discription states: / Performs the integration and sensitivity propagation for one shooting interval. * \param rk_eta Working array of size 51 to pass the input values and return the results. * \param resetIntegrator The internal memory of the integrator can be reset. * \return Status code of the integrator. / int acado_integrate( real_t const rk_eta, int resetIntegrator ); How I understand it, it performs the integration...

  • Jordan Lutz Jordan Lutz modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, is there a way to make a case distinction for IntermediateStates? I´m using the MATLAB interface calling a s-function. For defining my model I use IntermediateStates to process controls/differential states/online data in and use it in my prediction model. In my calculation I need to make a case distinction of the kind: OnlineData od is1 = is(od*2) is2 = is(od*3) if is1 < is2 is3 = is(10) else is3 = is(15) end I found out that there is a LessThan(obj1,obj2) operation that delivers a LessThan-expression....

  • Jordan Lutz Jordan Lutz posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, is there a way to make a case distinction for IntermediateStates? I´m using the MATLAB interface calling a s-function. For defining my model I use IntermediateStates to process controls/differential states/online data in and use it in my prediction model. In my calculation I need to make a case distinction of the kind: OnlineData od is1 = is(od*2) is2 = is(od*3) if is1 < is2 is3 = is(10) else is3 = is(15) end I found out that there is a LessThan(obj1,obj2) operation that delivers a LessThan-expression....

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello , I am trying to define an obstacle as a time varying inequality constraints, form the previous posts I found the option ('CG_HARDCODE_CONSTRAINT_VALUES', 'NO'). which is only applicable for state and control box constraints. My case is little bit different as I want to define the obstacle as a set of time variant linear inequality constraints. So any one can help ?

  • Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Soliman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Lee, I am facing the same problem. I wan to implement time varying inequality constraints using ACADO with matlab interface. You said the problem was solved. Can you help me with this.

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