

Paul Sherman

Lightweight Slackware modification. Desktop-centric applications built on up-to-date libraries and easy on hardware resources. Kinda Slackware without lots of work to start out...

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  • Paul Sherman

    Paul Sherman - 2021-08-30

    I use Linux to edit LOTS of photographs and images, using mostly GIMP and Inkscape.
    Run a bunch of websites off a home server.
    I like free.
    I like control.
    Mostly I like running lots of scripts in a simple environment which does not get in the way of production....
    Slackware makes for a simple and stable base.
    I made a DISTRO out of Absolute,
    mostly to save myself time/complications in updating through the years.
    Also to share/give back a little bit.
    Used to get good feedback when I indulged myself in the forum,
    but spam avoidance kinda took that away from me years ago.

    I could use help running a forum properly or with the distro itself...
    as long as someone doesn't want to turn Absolute into something very different/commercial.


  • Locutus

    Locutus - 2021-08-30

    hello sir
    long time i have time and would like to assist with the absolute linux project
    i have a few suggestions at this time
    spacefm with the new update of pcmanfm
    udevil with upower and udiskie

    • Paul Sherman

      Paul Sherman - 2021-08-30

      Your suggestions sound good.
      Spacefm has not been updated for years now.
      I used pcmanfm prior to spacefm so I am familiar and comfortable with it.
      Udiskie I am NOT familiar with,
      but if we can use it in place of gvfs/udisks that would be perfect.

    • Paul Sherman

      Paul Sherman - 2021-08-30

      Your suggestions sound good.
      Spacefm has not been updated for years now.
      I used pcmanfm prior to spacefm so I am familiar and comfortable with it.
      Udiskie I am NOT familiar with,
      but if we can use it in place of gvfs/udisks that would be perfect.

      On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 6:39 AM A.Rozell

      hello sir
      long time i have time and would like to assist with the absolute linux
      i have a few suggestions at this time
      spacefm with the new update of pcmanfm
      udevil with upower and udiskie

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