
General Mouse Click action

  • Vrata Venet

    Vrata Venet - 2003-08-14

    Don't think this is feasable yet, but do you think it could a good idea as a work around to record/test problems to have the ability to register (manually maybe) a click on a coord of a frame.  I have just filed a bug on recording issue, ie abbot not able to record certains steps.  Maybe if there was a way to get the coord location of the mouse at a point on a frame and then tell aboot to record a mouse click at that position.

    just an idea!

    • Timothy Wall

      Timothy Wall - 2003-08-14

      You can manually insert actions (including mouse clicks) -- see the "insert" menu.  I guess what your asking for is something that indicates the mouse position so you know what arguments to give it?

    • Vrata Venet

      Vrata Venet - 2003-08-15

      yes, exactly.  You can insert manual actions + mouse clicks,
      but, correct me if i am wrong, these are for buttons with tag name references.  I was thinking something along the lines of:

      <action method='mouseClick' args='Point(34,56)' />

      which would be relative to the frame's screen location.

      what do you think?

      • Timothy Wall

        Timothy Wall - 2003-08-15

        Use the frame's reference instead of the button.  The first argument to actionClick is the Frame's ComponentReference ID.


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