
No bundle found for en_US

  • scott symmank

    scott symmank - 2002-10-17

    i am building abbot from cvs.

    when i run it can find: abbot.editor.i18n.Resources$ResourceLoader.<init>(Unknown Source):
    No bundle found for en_US

    I don't see it anywhere in your cvs tree.

    thanks, scott

    • scott symmank

      scott symmank - 2002-10-17

      i did find the StringsBundle... in an old jar that i have. where does this live in cvs?

    • Timothy Wall

      Timothy Wall - 2002-10-18

      abbot/i18n/ is processed to generate the proper StringsBundle properties file.  Chances are you need to do cvs update -d in the root of your abbot CVS tree.

    • scott symmank

      scott symmank - 2002-10-18


      i had written a different build file, to add some
      cvs-refresh support. i missed your i18n target.
      thanks. all goes well on the build.


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