
Problems getting Timecode in Avid AAF files

Dan Tatut
  • Dan Tatut

    Dan Tatut - 2013-07-01


    Quick questions regarding the presence of Timecode in Segments...

    When parsing a composition, down to the SourceClip, I have some trouble getting source timecode information. I managed to get source timecodes but in files not generated by Avid.

    Any idea of what the correct derivation chain would be to obtain the source timecode with Avid AAF files?


  • astan

    astan - 2013-08-01

    aren't the timecodes in SourcePackage's StartPosition (in SourceClip) (expressed in frames)? assuming you've converted the aaf to xml

  • Dan Tatut

    Dan Tatut - 2013-08-09

    Hi astan,

    sorry for my late reply. Well, I can't seem to follow you on this one. Once I reach a SourceClip in the derivation chain, I get the SourceReference mob and then the SourceMob, then get the TimelineMobSlots and try to get the origin. All of the origins are set to 0. I must be doing something wrong somewhere. In some non-Avid AAF files, I find Timecode on segments, but nothing on the Avid files. Also I'm not converting the AAF into XML, but rather use the COM API ... Any help would be appreciated



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