
IAAFMob2 adding tagged Values

Uli Esser
  • Uli Esser

    Uli Esser - 2013-05-16

    I am working on a media-exchange software to work with avid mediacomposer. as i analyzed the aaf files generated with mc, i discovered that mc stores lot of important data in the "UserComments" and "MobAttributeList" as an array of tagged Values.
    I have found out how to read out those tagged values, but i have no clue how to create and set those values for a Mob or MasterMob via the COM Interface.

    Any help welcome ;-)


    Last edit: Uli Esser 2013-05-17
  • Uli Esser

    Uli Esser - 2013-05-20

    I have finally made it. The solution is to register a new PropertyDef with a
    kAAFTypeID_TaggedValueStrongReferenceVector Type and then add a variable Array with References to the tagged values...
    so everything works now, but after all i know AAF and i will never be friends ;-)

  • Francesco

    Francesco - 2019-01-14

    I'm facing the same issue. I've registered the new propertydef but I don't know how to add it to

    check(pDictionary->CreateMetaInstance (AUID_AAFTypeDefStrongObjRef, IID_IAAFTypeDefStrongObjRef, (IUnknown **) &spTaggedValueStrongReference));
    check(pDictionary->LookupClassDef(AUID_AAFTaggedValue, &pCDTaggedValue));
    check(spTaggedValueStrongReference->Initialize(kAAFTypeID_TaggedValueStrongReferenceVector, pCDTaggedValue,  kTaggedValueStrongReferenceName));
    check(pCDTaggedValue->CreateInstance(IID_IAAFTaggedValue,(IUnknown **)&tv));
    check (spTaggedValueStrongReference->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDef, (void **)&ptd));
    check (pDictionary->RegisterTypeDef (ptd));

    Please can you help ?


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