
#43 No action when replying to ASK queue report


I just upgraded from 2.5.0 to 2.5.2. Everything seems
to be working well, except when I reply to the 'ASK
queue report' I receive when I send an 'ask process
queue' e-mail.

Here is what I get in my ask.log:

2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]:
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]: ----- ASK v2.5.2 Started -----
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]: Message from: Test User
<e-mail address hidden>
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]: Message to: Another
Test User <e-mail address hidden>
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]: Message Subject: Re: ASK
queue report
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]:
is_confirmation_return(): Didn't find conf#MD5 tag on
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]: is_remote_command():
Verifying the subject...
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]:
process_remote_commands(): Found subject="Re: ASK queue
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]:
process_remote_commands(): Checking only. Returning true
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]: Not matched in the whitelist
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]: Sender is not mailer-daemon
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]: __get_auth_tokens(): No
X-ASK-Auth SMTP header found
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]: validate_auth_md5():
Cannot read authorization tokens. Authentication Failed.
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]: Checking for remote commands
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]:
process_remote_commands(): Found subject="Re: ASK queue
2005/11/17 14:03:59 [20021]:
process_textmode_commands(): Action [R], MD5

Any ideas? All I'm trying to do is remove an item from
my queue. I change the N to an R in my reply, and
send. For some reason, it's saying "Cannot read
authorization tokens. Authentication Failed". Why
would it say that? I'm only replying to the e-mail
(with codes that ASK generated).

Thanks in advance...


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Glad to hear it, thought it was just me :)
    I have the same problem - last line in my logs is always the
    Action [R] line. With the previous version the next line
    was always something about 'confirmation_msg_queued' and the
    delete command stuff, but this one isn't getting that far.
    (yes, the correct message is in the queue)
    gotta be a simple fix here someplace...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Same bug. Debian system with exim4
    These files (ASK-FATAL-ERROR.xxxx) xxxx is number
    are appearing in my home directory, they all have this content:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/bin/askfilter", line 66, in ?
    rc = ask.filter(sys.stdin)
    File "/usr/share/ask/", line 168, in filter
    if self.rmt.process_remote_commands():
    File "/usr/share/ask/", line 216, in
    method() ## Execute method
    File "/usr/share/ask/", line 291, in
    AttributeError: AskMessage instance has no attribute

    ------- same as pizzagod, I can ask process queue and get a
    list of queue contents, but won't process my
    delete/deliver/etc/ response.

  • Dave

    Dave - 2005-12-21

    Logged In: YES

    Using 2.5.2 on a Slackware system with sendmail
    same bug
    same log entries
    same traceback message
    NO ASK-FATAL... files
    no queue processing - deletes or delivers, but at least the
    queue reporting is accurate and lets me know when I should
    log into the server and manually delete spamturds. :)

  • Dave

    Dave - 2005-12-22

    Logged In: YES

    OK, couldn't resist trying again -
    Just installed 2.5.2 on a Debian system with exim
    No previous ASK installation here (maybe that has something
    to do with it?)
    Same bug, same non-functional queue processing.
    There ARE however ASK-FATAL error files in my home directory
    now, and they all contain:

    File "/usr/bin/askfilter", line 66, in ?
    rc = ask.filter(sys.stdin)
    File "/usr/share/ask/", line 168, in filter
    if self.rmt.process_remote_commands():
    File "/usr/share/ask/", line 216, in
    method() ## Execute method
    File "/usr/share/ask/", line 291, in
    AttributeError: AskMessage instance has no attribute

    I wonder if those of us experiencing this are a vanishingly
    small minority or something... it seems a bug like this
    (system basically unusable by ordinary users) would have a
    higher priority <wink>


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