
Viking GPS data editor and analyzer / News: Recent posts

Viking 1.8 Released

Viking 1.8 (2020-02-02)

New features since 1.7

  • New GeoClue Layer to Track Position from the GeoClue service
    • Not available on Windows
  • Per Year Track Analysis
  • Track Timing Speed Splits Analysis
  • Subsecond Timing Precision for Tracks & Waypoints
  • Track Area Coverage Feature
  • Native Read Support of Zip & bzip2 Files
    • This attempts to load supported files found within the compressed file
  • Native Basic TCX Read Support
  • Embedded (Elevation & Speed) Graphs in the Main Window
  • Improved icons for Aggregate and Maps layers
  • Scrolling Options for Better Usage with Touchpads
  • Right Click Menu Options on the Calendar
  • Various Keyboard Enhancements:
    • Left & Right arrow keys selects the previous or next trackpoint respectively
    • Keypad '+' & Keypad '-' inserts a trackpoint after or before of the current trackpoint
    • Menu key opens the track context menu
  • SF Features#117: Area Calculation Tool
  • Large Basque language translation update
  • Many other small fixes - see the ChangeLog for the full details.
Posted by Rob Norris 2020-02-09 Labels: NEWS

Viking 1.5 Released

Viking 1.5 (2013-10-13)

New features since 1.4.2

  • Startup preferences for ease of use.
  • Multi layer/track statistics.
  • Multi layer/track or waypoint detailed lists.
  • Control sorting of layers and quick show/hide all options.
  • Configurable layer defaults.
  • Optimizations when loading and drawing large numbers of tracks.
  • Allow higher zoom levels up to 1/32 (OSM z22 equivalent but maps only requested up to z19).
  • Retain internal options across sessions.
  • Selectable online router service provider (now including OSRM)
  • 'Via' points online route refining.
  • Download a file directly from an URL.
  • Datasource acquiring files from URLs related to the current view.
  • Support timestamps (read only) in waypoints.
  • Support naming trackpoints.
  • Request downloading a region of maps over multiple zoom levels.
  • Support Compressed My OSM Traces files (requires libbz2 and libmagic).
  • Support opening files drag and drop on to the viewport.
  • Support relative paths in Viking files.
  • Add support for OSM Humanitarian (HOT) Style Map.
  • Advanced preferences.
  • Optional track labelling on the viewport.
  • Translations for the Basque language.
  • Improved Help Manual.
  • Many internal improvements.... read more
Posted by Rob Norris 2013-10-14

Viking 1.4.1 Released

Version 1.4.1 was released on 2013.04.08

Bug fixes to release 1.4

Executive Summary of Changes in 1.4:

Support for GPX Route type including transfer to/from GPS Devices.
Add ability to Acquire My OSM Traces and ability to choose any subset of the available traces.
GPS Upload from a track.
Better Track colour options.
More TrackWaypoint layer options: draw direction arrows, arrow size, trackpoint size, waypoint text size
Display Waypoint Icons in the layers panel treeview.
Restored Route Finding via Google Services. [Was disabled in 1.3.2 due to change in formats supported]
Display map tile source and cached file information in a dialog for a position.
Quick zoom level change from the statusbar by clicking on the zoom level to select another level.
In the Zoom Tool mode: can select an area to zoom in on (via holding shift key + drag mouse).
Mouse Zooming in/out maintains the position focus on the mouse pointer location.
(Use the keys Ctrl+Shift and mouse zoom to maintain the centered map location).
Add support of a Map type for a local On Disk OSM Tile Format.
Allow generation of large pixel sized images. ... read more

Posted by Rob Norris 2013-04-22

Viking 1.3

A new source code release 1.3 has been made.

A summary of changes:

* New map default: OSM MapQuest.
* OSM Transport map is a map option.
* Geotagging support
* Better JOSM integration (export layer info or open at current position)
* Better GPSBabel integration (all supported devices and import any file types)
* New options for External/Export operations
* Support latest GPSD APIv5
* Miscellaneous bug fixes, improvements, language translations.... read more

Posted by Rob Norris 2012-04-23

Viking 1.0

Version 1.0 is the result of 7 years of work of a large team.
For this release, lot of work was done to obtain a version as stable as
possible. This special version will be supported for some time.
If you need a specific fix, we can provide a 1.0.z release.

Posted by Guilhem BONNEFILLE 2010-11-19

Windows binaries for 0.9.9, 0.9.91, 0.9.92

Mathieu Albinet released some binary packages for the versions 0.9.9, 0.9.91 and 0.9.92.


Posted by Guilhem BONNEFILLE 2010-03-18

Viking 0.9.92

A new development release to prepare the 1.0.


New features since 0.9.91:

* Memorize previously selected go-to service.
* Better scale when zoomed close in and in miles distance mode.
* Add and use preference for height units.
* Add and use preference for speed units.
* Add and use preference for distance units.
* Use a preference to set the tiles age.
* New preference for default maplayer cache.
* Improve DEM-Layer.
* Remove OpenAerial support.... read more

Posted by Guilhem BONNEFILLE 2010-03-18

Moved form Subversion to Git

The viking's history is now hosted on the Git service provided by SourceForge:

Note that this repo is not *directly* compatible with any other Git repo maintained with git-svn. I'm really sorry for that, but any contributor using Git to work on dedicated branches will have some work to rebase its work on this new repo. Feel free to share, on this list, your tips for such work.
The reason of this rewriten history is the wish to expose *real* authors of many commits. In french, I would say "Rendre à César ce qui est à César".

Posted by Guilhem BONNEFILLE 2009-04-13

Windows binaries for Viking 0.9.7

Windows binaries are now available on sourceforge:

As usual, they come in two flavours:
- minimal : without the GTK runtime, without an installer
- full : with the GTK runtime 2.12.8 included, with a NSIS installer

They include all the improvements and bug fixes from the generic 0.9.7
release but also a specific Windows bug is corrected that prevented to
download DEM files from the NASA ftp.... read more

Posted by Quy Tonthat 2008-10-20

Windows binaries for 0.9.5 and 0.9.6

Binaries for windows are now available for versions 0.9.5 and 0.9.6.

There is also a 0.9.6-2 package, containing 0.9.6 plus a patch for Google access.

Posted by Guilhem BONNEFILLE 2008-09-07

Viking released

Viking is out. This is a release candidate for the 0.9.5. It's main goal is to ensure a good feature level in Debian lenny.

Posted by Guilhem BONNEFILLE 2008-07-17

Viking released

A new test release. This release main goal is to check windows port.

Posted by Guilhem BONNEFILLE 2008-06-14

Windows installer for Viking 0.9.4

An installer is now available for Windows.


Thanks Mathieu!

Posted by Guilhem BONNEFILLE 2008-06-12

Viking released

This new version is a release candidate. The main goal is to test localizations.

Posted by Guilhem BONNEFILLE 2008-02-20

Viking 0.9.2 is out

A new stable version is available.

This version solves serious bug of the previous 0.9.1.

Posted by Guilhem BONNEFILLE 2007-09-05