
SmartWeb / News: Recent posts

Registry 0.9.1 is out!!!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-registry-0.9.1-SNAPSHOT.jar release!

Registry management module.

Changes in this version include:

New Features:

o Override compareTo to avoid same number with different types into a Set
o Added compareTo, equals and hashCode methods on WebAddress, PhoneAddress,
MessengerAddress, Locality, MailAddress, Name, Person, EmailAddress and Business classes
o Added overloading constructors on Locality, MailAddress,EmailAddress,PhoneAddress,
MessengerAddress ,WebAddress,Business and Name classes
o Added factory methods page and list byNotInList
o Added distribution packages generation
o Removed unneeded mappings
o Filter List entries by firstname, lastname for a given list Issue: 1769881.
o Method getEntries(Class type) on List class needed Issue: 1769841. ... read more

Posted by Pino 2009-10-08

SmartWeb JUnit ext 1.3.1 (stable)

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-test-1.3.1 release!

SmartWeb JUnit extension is an extension to the JUnit framework for the SmartWeb application development framework.

Changes in this version include:

o Fixed problem due to dbunit dependency upgrade blocking tearDown operations

For a manual installation, you can download the smartweb-test-1.3.1.jar here: read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-10-06

SmartWeb Test 1.3.0 (stable)

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-test-1.3.0.jar release!

JUnit Extension for the SmartWeb application development framework.

Changes in this version include:

o Improve performances avoiding to reconfigure hibernate Issue: 2810309. o Avoid configuration files customization to test factories Issue: 2800124. o Upgraded DbUnit dependency to dbunit-2.4.6 o Added dependency to mockejb-0.6-beta2... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-10-06

SmartWeb Auth 0.9.1 (beta)

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-auth-0.9.1.jar release!

This module provides easy and flexible authentication, authorization and accounting features to the SmartWeb framework.

Changes in this version include:

New Features:

o Added NONE Privilege modifier

Fixed Bugs:

o SQL initialization script not executable Issue: 2176538. o pageUsers domain method returns duplicate user record Issue: 2445697. o Privilege ANY modifier parsing fails ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-10-06

SmartWeb 1.2.13 (stable) with IDE Templates released

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-1.2.13.jar release!

SmartWeb is a web application development meta framework based on Jakarta Struts, Hibernate and many other popular open source frameworks and libraries.

Changes in this version include:

o Deserialization makes BusinessObjects logger unusable

o War packaging blocks BusinessObjectFactory configuration

For a manual installation, you can download the smartweb-1.2.13.jar here:... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-10-06

SmartWeb Auth 0.9.0 (beta) is out!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-auth-0.9.0.jar release!

Authentication, authorization and accounting module.

Changes in this version include:

o Error in subject.getHandler() Issue: 2688648 .

o ValidTag not reading user from session Issue: 2688384 .

o Moved `handler` attribute to optional in `scopetype` tag

o Completed base support for scopes

o Added findScopeType method in Domain ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-08-15

SmartWeb 1.2.11 (stable) with IDE Templates released!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-1.2.11.jar release!

SmartWeb is a web application development meta framework based on Jakarta Struts, Hibernate and many other popular open source frameworks and libraries.

Changes in this version include:

New Features:

o Added support for fetch override for list and page

Fixed Bugs:

o Add IN condition to SearchInfo Issue: 2823003.


o Improved historical datas automated management support ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-08-15

SmartWeb 1.2.10 (stable) with IDE Templates released!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-1.2.10.jar release and related IDE templates! SmartWeb is a web application development meta framework based on Jakarta Struts, Hibernate and other open source frameworks and libraries.For a manual installation, you can download the smartweb-1.2.10.jar here: Have fun! The SmartWeb Team

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-06-26

SmartWeb Generator 0.2.0 (alfa) is out!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the maven-smartweb-plugin-0.2.0 release!

For a manual installation, you can download the maven-smartweb-plugin-0.2.0 here:

Have fun!

- The SmartWeb Team

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-05-23

SmartWeb 1.2.9 (stable) with IDE Templates released!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-1.2.9.jar release and related IDE templates!

SmartWeb is a web application development meta framework based on Jakarta Struts, Hibernate and other open source frameworks and libraries.

For a manual installation, you can download the smartweb-1.2.9.jar here:

Have fun!
- The SmartWeb Team

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-05-23

SmartWeb 1.2.8 (stable) with IDE Templates released!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-1.2.8.jar release and relative ide templates!

SmartWeb is a web application development meta framework based on Jakarta Struts, Hibernate and other open source frameworks and libraries.

For a manual installation, you can download the smartweb-1.2.8.jar here:

Have fun!
-SmartWeb Team

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2009-02-24

SmartWeb Generator 0.1.0 (alfa) is out!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-generator-0.1.0 release!

Changes in this version include:

New Features:

o Generation of pages

o Generation of message properties file

o Generation of struts configuration files

o Generation of actions, domain and factories classes

For a manual installation, you can download from here: read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-10-17

SmartWeb Auth 0.8.2 (beta) is out!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-auth-0.8.2.jar release!

Authentication, authorization and accounting module.

Changes in this version include:

o Fixed multiple silly bugs introduced by refactor

o Fixed User.getPassword() implementation returning an empty string when secret is undefined

o Improved captcha generation

o Improved documentation

o Improved PasswordDigestAuthenticationHandler and PasswordAuthenticationHandler implementations ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-10-17

SmartWeb Test 1.2.0 (stable) released!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-test-1.2.0.jar release!

JUnit Extension for the SmartWeb application development framework.

Changes in this version include:

New Features:

o Added Assert implementations to ease enumeration testing

Fixed Bugs:

o Fixed bug in factories caching

For a manual installation, you can download the smartweb-test-1.2.0.jar here: read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-10-17

SmartWeb 1.2.7 (stable) with IDE Templates released!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-1.2.7.jar release!

Web application development framework.

Changes in this version include:

o SearchInfo not implementing Serializable interface Thanks to gcontartese.

o DataAccessObject.SearchInfo doesn't work properly with date Issue: 2150153.

o Could listByKeySet(...) work with Serializable keys? Issue: 2150057.

o Fixed bug in sessions caching affecting unit tests ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-10-17

SmartWeb 1.2.5 (stable) with IDE Templates released!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-1.2.5.jar "Web application development framework" release!

Changes in this version include:

o TomcatConfigurationStrategy is unusable Issue: 1973860. Thanks to Sébastien Le Callonnec.
o Added LGPL license to JAR file
o Fixed mailing list links
o Multiple Hibernate Session per request not Supported Issue: 1970648.

o Renamed ConfigurationStrategy to FactoryConfigurationStrategy
o Updated distribution packages generation
o Updated templates ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-06-09

SmartWeb Test 1.1.0 (stable) released!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-test-1.1.0.jar "JUnit Extension for the SmartWeb application development framework" release!

Changes in this version include:

New Features:

o Added distribution packages generation

Fixed Bugs:

o Added LGPL license to JAR file
o Fixed getConnection. Using Dialect to set properties on connection
o Fixed mailing list links


o Major refactoring and redesign to support non inheriting test cases ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-06-09

SmartWeb Auth 0.8.0 (beta) is out!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-auth-0.8.0.jar release!

Changes in this version include:

o Property Group.size not working Issue: 1784951.
o Schema generation Exception (DB different from PostgreSQL) Issue: 1810955.
o CRON pattern for DateTimeHandler Issue: 1832809.
o Module doesn't compile with JDK 1.4.X Issue: 1822129.
o Password checking doesn't work properly Issue: 1819121.
o getPolicy in User doesn't work properly Issue: 1803028.
o Bad database generation: missing User properties Issue: 1798934. ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-05-01

SmartWeb Test 1.0.3 (stable) out!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-test-1.0.3.jar release!

Web application development framework test cases.

Changes in this version include:

o nullImproved DomainTestCase

For a manual installation, you can download the smartweb-test-1.0.3.jar here:

Have fun!
-SmartWeb Team

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-05-01

SmartWeb 1.2.4 (stable) out!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-1.2.4.jar release!

Web application development framework.

Changes in this version include:

New Features:

o Added configuration strategy support for domain configuration
o Added configuration strategy support for domain configuration

Fixed Bugs:

o BooleanConverter error converting a null Boolean object Issue: 1828663.
o Error loading configuration file Issue: 1828572.
o SearchInfo ilike operator required Issue: 1826714.
o Slow pagination using Hibernate Query Issue: 1610076.
o SearchInfo Like Filter does not work Issue: 1823482.
o Paginator with ResultTransformer doesn't work Issue: 1778491.
o Missing property attribute on paginate tag Issue: 1731932.
o Broken compatibility to Java Runtime 1.4 Issue: 1781469. ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2008-05-01

SmartWeb Auth 0.7.0 (beta) released!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-auth-0.7.0.jar (authentication, authorization and accounting module for smartweb) release!

Changes in this version include:

New Features:

o Switched customizability to JBossAOP framework
o Password validation Issue: 1674754.
o Image generator to block automated registrations Issue: 1647863.

Fixed Bugs:

o Failed login on disabled user Issue: 1715039. ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2007-09-14

SmartWeb Test 1.0.2 (stable) now out!

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-test-1.0.2.jar release!

For a manual installation, you can download the smartweb-test-1.0.2.jar here:

Have fun!
-SmartWeb Team

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2007-08-31

SmartWeb in top 500

The SmartWeb Team is proud to report the project is stable in top 500 SourceForge projects and we must thank you all for this.

In return we are preparing an improved site, improved documentation and new core framework and modules releases.

Feel free to contribute in whatever form you think it's appropriate: we welcome any help you can provide!

In the mean while the framework got more than 1500 downloads: signal us any project using our framework, we'll be proud to list it on our portfolio!... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2007-08-26

Smartweb Test 1.0.1 (stable) now out!

The SmartWeb framework is targeted to support rapid development of simple to complex web applications, leading to development of clean and stable code. It's builded over consolidated open source frameworks and features the most useful design patterns.

The SmartWeb Team is pleased to announce the smartweb-test-1.0.1.jar release!

Changes in this version include:

o Moved to ranged version dependency from core framework library ... read more

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2007-08-10

SmartWeb Templates release 1.2.3 (stable) now available

As usual, templates have been updated to the latest framework release... just to be sure you are always up to date!

Have Fun!
-SmartWeb Team

Posted by Roberto Lo Giacco 2007-08-02