
Will we have open source for Moto G?

  • Francis Real Ushiyama

    And if yes, it will be the full source? Will be published for all models of Moto G?

  • Gopi Palaniappan

    We will post sources for all components that we are legally obligated to post sources. Same as what we have done with all other products. Many of the models will reuse the same software release, so we will post them under the corresponding software version folders.

    What are you looking for specifically?

  • Michael Bernhard

    In fact I am interested in sources as well. Kernel source has top priority, but device and the neccessary blobs/vendor files would be nice as well and save a lot of time concerning debugging.

  • Zanooda

    Zanooda - 2013-11-27

    +1 for kernel sources. Is there any ETA?

  • Gopi Palaniappan

    We'll start posting the kernel sources next week.

  • Luis Sebastian Urrutia Fuentes

    Seven days have passed since that answer, any news?

  • Gopi Palaniappan

    Thanks for being patient. We had holidays here in the US. Some folks are in training as well. I have all the approvals to post. We'll start posting this week.

  • Luis Sebastian Urrutia Fuentes

    Oh! Thanks for the answer, and I hope you are having a nice holiday! We will waiting for that release :D

  • Gopi Palaniappan

    I am not having a holiday :) Some of my team members are. I was working even on Thanksgiving day as I ate my turkey ;-)

  • Luis Sebastian Urrutia Fuentes

    Oh, I'm sorry, buy maybe later, no?

  • Zanooda

    Zanooda - 2013-12-06

    Hey there :) Thanks for your replies, can't hardly wait :)

  • Gopi Palaniappan

    Announcing the release of Open Source Software for Moto G

    You can find the sources here:

  • MotoGuser

    MotoGuser - 2014-07-07

    Could you please give an eta for the 4.4.3 / 4.4.4 kernel sources?

    • Gopi Palaniappan

      We are working on it. Should be out in a week or so.

  • MotoGuser

    MotoGuser - 2014-07-07

    Thanks for the update.

    • Gopi Palaniappan

      Thanks for the patience..I have been out on vacation last two weeks and so are some of other folks involved. Its been a bit slow to get these out this time..

  • Nathan Anderson

    Nathan Anderson - 2014-07-11

    Howdy! Some (hopefully quick?) questions:

    4.4.3/4.4.4 was asked about by someone earlier. In addition to that, though, it is my understanding that there were 2 versions of the 4.4.2 kernel, and sources have only ever been published for the earlier one (KXB20.9-1.8-1.4), and not the later one. Will the later one ever be released?

    In summary, I believe these are the sources we are still waiting to see published (for Moto G non-LTE):

    4.4.2 KXB20.9-1.10-1.24-1.1 (the second 4.4.2 release)
    4.4.3 KXB21.14-L1.32
    4.4.4 KXB21.14-L1.40
    4.4.4 GPE KTU84P.M003

    ...and if you factor in the LTE version, it sounds like there may even be others.

    Finally, I am pretty sure that Motorola has no obligation to do what I'm about to ask and would probably be inclined to deny this request, but I figure it never hurts to ask: the Motorola stock Android system (not the GPE version) has a great feature: the ability for the audio output to be rerouted out through an external USB DAC. This feature does not exist in stock AOSP, even if you have a device with USB OTG support and build and boot a kernel that includes USB Audio Class 1 drivers. There is something in the main system framework that needs to exist in order to properly support this. Others have hacked around the AOSP code and developed patches to services.jar to make this work, but the results are often less than satisfying. I have had good experiences with Motorola's version, though, and given how close to bone-stock your ROMs are, I have to believe the changes needed to make this work are minimal. Would Motorola be willing to release a udiff of the changes they made to the Android framework source to enable this functionality?


    -- Nathan

    • Gopi Palaniappan

      Hi Nathan,

      Sorry to get back late on the response.. I am still catching up on my emails.

      We have started to post the entire dev branch with all the git commits leading up to the latest shipping release. So you should have all the sources up to the release we posted. We have been slaking behind on applying tags on intermediate commits that shipped as a release.

      Secondly, if there are no changes in the OSS components for a specific release, we are not posting anything. We probably should apply those tags on the shipping commits as well.

      This week we are preparing sources for :

      This should bring everyone up to 4.4.3 on Moto X and Moto G.

      I am following up with teams on Moto E, Moto G LTE to make sure they are covered as well. If not we will post deltas for those as well.

      We'll start working on 4.4.4 as soon as rollouts for all products are complete in couple of week.

      I'll get back to you on the Android framework changes for the audio routing you are requesting. Framework has a hoj-poj of proprietary and Android changes. I'll see if we can publish the changes..



      Last edit: Gopi Palaniappan 2014-07-14

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