Simple loading spinners animated with CSS. SpinKit only uses (transform and opacity) CSS animations to create smooth and easily customizable animations. Add spinkit.css or spinkit.min.css to your project (or copy-paste the CSS that you need for your spinner—there are no dependencies between spinners, no shared classes, and no shared animations, etc, so it should be fairly straight-forward to extract only the code that you need). Add a spinner to your project by copy-pasting HTML from spinkit.css or examples.html. Add the sk-center utility class to the spinner to center it (it sets margin to auto). By default, the width and height of all spinners are set to 40px. background-color is set to #333. Configure the spinner by overwriting the CSS variables, primarily --sk-size (spinner width & height) and --sk-color (spinner color). If you need broader browser support, remove the CSS variables.
- Simple loading spinners animated with CSS
- SpinKit uses CSS animations and variables
- Create smooth and easily customizable animations
- There are no dependencies between spinners
- Add a spinner to your project by copy-pasting HTMLject by copy-pasting HTML
- Configure the spinner by overwriting the CSS variables