
KeePass User Groups

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello.  I'm considering KeePass for my office staff.  It appears that KeePass can create groups of passwords (such as network, server, etc...), however I would like to be able to create users (my staff), and user groups, that I then could attach those user groups to password groups.  Is this possible? 

    I would like a program that I could install on everyone's PC, that could access a central password DB (that my cache locally when users are remote), that I could then assign access level so some users where they could use some passwords, but not others.  So for example, the "Dev User Group" could use the "Dev Password Group" to get access to our development servers, but not our production servers.  Make sense?

    Thank you.

    • Paul

      Paul - 2008-03-26

      KeePass will not do this.
      KeePass is primarily a personal password manager and as such, has no security past encryption of the database as a whole.

      cheers, Paul


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