
Abbot with SWT

  • Bernard Lumbroso

    I'm looking for build test GUI with Abbot.

    My application is written with SWT.  I found lot of works about it on

    But it's difficult to compile an Abbot version compatible with SWT (because there are too much projects and ressources on CVS).

    Do you plan to build a complete package (with Costello) for supporting  SWT on Abbot ?

    Thank you

    • Bernard Lumbroso

      Thank you for your response.

      I will try to compile Abbot for swt.
      (But i have to find what swt....dll and swt.jar for java 1.5 and eclipse 3.01, i have to use ...)

      I don't see any classes of Costello for SWT.

      Does Costello for SWT exist?

      thank you

      • Gary Johnston

        Gary Johnston - 2007-04-02

        Currently, Abbot for SWT requires Java >= 1.5 and Eclipse >= 3.2.0.
        There is no Costello for SWT.  But I hope we can get that going at some point.

    • Tom Roche

      Tom Roche - 2005-08-03
    • richa

      richa - 2007-03-20

      Hi There!!

      I'm trying to download the abbot.swt.* jar or plugin from CVS. but i'm getting an error:- the url cannot be retrieved. The remote host or network may be down. i do understand that there is no jar availabel .. its just a build.xml file n we have ti build the jar at our end. but i'm not even able to do so.

      can anyone please help me in this regard. any help is appreciated


      • Gary Johnston

        Gary Johnston - 2007-03-20

        The abbot code is in Subversion these days, not in CVS anymore.  So go to the SVN link under the "Code" tab and follow the instructions.  The URL for abbot.swt you want is (and friends).
        Hope that helps.

    • richa

      richa - 2007-03-29

      Thank You Gary :)

      But there are few more questions. i'm still struggling with builiding abbot.swt
      when i check out the project with the name abbot.swt.. it is not checked out as java project.
      so i again check out the project as a java project. but then this project does not have plugin.xml. i got plugin.xml from cvs and added to the project.
      now when i try to do update the classpath using plugin.xml, i get an error
      "cannot nest'abbot.swt/sr'inside 'abbot.swt. To enable the nesting exclude 'src/'from 'abbot.swt'."
      when i try to run build.xml, i get the compile time errors.
      so actually i'm not able to proceed up at all. :(
      Hope you can really help me .. like how to build abbot.swt in such a way tht i can use it to prepare test cases.
      Thanx a ton

      • Barrie Treloar

        Barrie Treloar - 2007-03-29

        > But there are few more questions. i'm still struggling with builiding abbot.swt
        > when i check out the project with the name abbot.swt.. it is not checked out
        > as java project.

        It should be a plugin project (which includes the java nature). The
        .project file defines the natures available to eclipse, which includes
        the Java one.

        The CVS and SVN don't appear to be in sync, I have no idea which one
        should be used.
        Looking at the timestamps, it would appear that CVS is out of date.

        > so i again check out the project as a java project. but then this project does
        > not have plugin.xml. i got plugin.xml from cvs and added to the project.
        > now when i try to do update the classpath using plugin.xml, i get an error
        > "cannot nest'abbot.swt/sr'inside 'abbot.swt. To enable the nesting exclude 'src/'from
        > 'abbot.swt'."
        > when i try to run build.xml, i get the compile time errors.
        > so actually i'm not able to proceed up at all. :(
        > Hope you can really help me .. like how to build abbot.swt in such a way tht
        > i can use it to prepare test cases.

        I'd use the SVN version, I've had more luck with that.

        However the instructions need some tweaking.

        After checking out the project you need to manually delete the
        classpath information from the project by, Right click the project in
        the Package Explorer > Build Path > Configure Build Path... > Java
        Build Path > Source (tab), delete and "Source folders on build path"
        and ensure that "Default output folder:" is "abbot.swt/bin".

        After doing this, you can then select the file MANIFEST/META-INF.MF
        and Right Click > PDE Tools > Update Classpath...

        And then there will be no errors.

        I didn't need to use "build.xml" for any of them besides the
        "abbot.plain" project.

    • richa

      richa - 2007-04-02

      Thanx once again Gary.
      But i need little more help.

      the steps you told made the project look better, but still its not looking as beautiful as i would like it to look.

      After removing the source folders, and updating the classpath, when i build the project errors again creep in.
      the various errors i'm getting are:-
      1. in>> error is at org.eclipse.swt;bundle-version='[3.2.0,4.0.0]' the error is >> unsatisfied version constraint :'org.eclipse.swt;[3.2.0,4.0.0]'.
      The version of eclipse i'm using is 3.2.1.
      i also tried adding the following jars:- org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.2.0v3232m.jar &&
      org.eclipse.swt_3.2.0.v3232o.jar.. however, it didnt help. src package, under abbot.swt package we have a class I'm getting the errors for BUTTON4 and BUTTON5. now this need some programing changes as rest of the buttons have been declared programiticaly.
      3. the other class where the error is for tree.getColumns.
      4. the next class is for getHSB.
      now do we need to do the changes in program to remove such errors ??

      thank you

    • richa

      richa - 2007-04-02

      Hey Gary!!

      Thanx  a ton!!!! its working abst fine for me now.. i was able to build the project without any error. Thanx for making my day!! :)


      • Gary Johnston

        Gary Johnston - 2007-04-02

        Aw, shucks!  :-)
        You're welcome.  Glad it worked.
        BTW, I also replied to your post about running the examples.


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