
WIZ - stupid admin!

  • Arek

    Arek - 2003-09-15

    Hello! I play on serwer and pseudo-admin WIZ kick me for ... /i dont know!!!!!!/
    Why man like WIZ is admin?????????
    next i get prtscreen!!!!

    • Cameron Mandrake

      I'm the owner/administrator of secretplace.  Wiz has proven to be a very good administrator.  He even uses full sentences and makes sense when he says something.  I have access to all logs when people are kicked or banned.  If you give me what callsign you were using, I should be able to tell you why you were removed from the server.

      -Cameron Mandrake (Nidhoggr)

    • Arek

      Arek - 2003-09-16

      my callsign is Arras, and i still banned. :(
      tnx for answer.

    • Cameron Mandrake

      You were swearing repeatedly in a foreign language.  You were warned MANY times to stop.  You were banned for swearing.  I even saw an instance in the logs where you were swearing in english.


    • Arek

      Arek - 2003-09-16

      "You were swearing repeatedly in a foreign language"
      - buaha NO! I'M NOT!!! Besides... that word IS NOT A SWEARWORD!

      "You were warned MANY times to stop"

      - i don't be warned not even one times.

      "I even saw an instance in the logs where you were swearing in english."

      - one or two times...:) like other...

      How long i be banned?

      PS.I don't like it... wiz is like "pseudo-admin"

      • Jeff Myers

        Jeff Myers - 2003-09-16

        How can somone who the server owner says is an admin, and a good admin, be a "psudo-admin" ? It sounds like you have something personaly against him. I would sugest taking this directly to the server operator, and stop filling our inboxes with shouting and incomplete sentances :)

    • Kent Johnson

      Kent Johnson - 2003-09-16

      Arras - I won't participate in a big argument here, it's not worth my time or anyone elses.  But I'll explain more clearly why I banned you.  My apologies ahead of time for the length, but I want to document it well for you.

      On several occasions over several different days I noticed that you were using the phrase "[playername] ty huju" "[playername] ty huj" and/or "[playername] ty hujasie" shortly after getting killed.  After a while I asked what that phrase meant, but received no response.  I know I asked at least two times (probably more) what the phrase meant, but I received no answer.

      I went out to google and found the word "huju" on one of the many "how to swear in many languages" web pages, but it was not clear to me that "huju" itself was a swear word.  I discussed my suspicions about your phrase with another admin on the server at the time and he also suspected that you were swearing.

      I later returned to secretplace and you again unleashed a barrage of "wiz ty huju" and similar phrases when I killed you.  I private messaged you saying I knew you were swearing at me in Polish - and shortly thereafter you left.  But not before I captured your IP address for future reference.

      In the meantime, I found the word on the multilingual swear list in BZFlag CVS, thus confirming my suspicions that you were swearing.

      The next day, you (same IP address as before) came onto secretplace and started with the "ty huju" stuff.  Since you had previously been warned and you continued to break the server rules, I banned you.  In all fairness, I probably should have kicked you once before banning you (or did I do that, I don't remember now...).  But frankly, I don't appreciate a repetitive rule-breaker disrupting my game because I have to scold him like a four-year-old.

      Anyway - if you break the rules thinking you can get away with it, don't be surprised if someone catches you and you have to pay the price.  In this case, the price was getting banned from playing on one of the most popular bzflag servers.

      I don't know Cameron's policy on how long a player remains banned.  For your sake, I hope you've learned a lesson and can convince him of that.  Otherwise your absence from will be noted - and the world will go on.

      • Karu

        Karu - 2003-09-25

        Clearly this guy is some F&**ing disgrutnled teenager who loves to play GOD . F&*( this administrator. This is a game and without such stuff there is no fun really. If this whiny admin guy does not want swearing.. may he should just sit in his nice little closet and stop running a public server.. What a moron.. He is definitely suffering from GOD-mania... seeing by the lengths to which he has gone to ban some guy.. I mena this admoin is mentally warped for sure....

        • Jeff Myers

          Jeff Myers - 2003-09-27

          wow, if you don't like the server, don't play there man. Or try decaf. Server Ops and admins can do what ever they want, it's there server.

          And all your doing is proving how right they are, by being such a prick. If you don't like the way that server is run, get some bandwith and start your own.

    • Arek

      Arek - 2003-09-17

      i see... i must change a ip

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-09-21

      Too bad about arras.
      I've used swearing a couple of times, and been reprimanded for it, and quit.

      It takes just a bit of self-control to stop getting angry at ANY multiplayer game, and arras can't grasp the zen of it.

      Hopefully, all will see the continuing error of arras' ways and laugh at him.

      The Dr.

    • Arek

      Arek - 2003-09-21

      did you see me now? did you see my error? buahaha... - lie blatantly... and sign you next time... i laugh at you in the game. how high is your score? max ten?

    • Jim Lorbetski

      Jim Lorbetski - 2003-10-11

      Wiz tries to do a good job.  This is a family place, where kids go.  So if some can't keep their tongue
      under control there are plenty of "adult" sites out

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-03-03

      I just got to say that , Personnaly i think the admins at secret place do a dang good job.  I think most of the useers there have a lot of respect for the job you do...Thanks for a great server.

    • Ford Fairlane

      Ford Fairlane - 2004-03-14

      I agree, They do the jods of admins real well..
      and if someone needs to curse soo badly..  use "darn", its mostly harmless and you get too type your anger off..  and noone will be ofended       //Play nice folks :-)

    • Brian K. Boonstra

      I'm 35 years old, plenty old enough to withstand swearing, but you know what?  I still play on secretplace preferentially (as a well-known member of aquatic royalty, if you care).  The no-swearing rules and responsible admins make it much more pleasant than the puerile exchanges found on some other servers.

      Thanks guys.

    • Timpson Texas

      Timpson Texas - 2004-04-02

      I say poo to the fragmented sentence guy... Wiz rocks as an Admin...

      Timpson Texas  YeeeHaaaa!

    • Ian Agar

      Ian Agar - 2004-04-03

      I agree about self control. Many times I will get very angry at what has happened on the field, and I will use an alternate word, such as "darn" or "shoot", and in general I control myself, and I feel there is no reason after many warnings to continue. Just my two euros.

    • Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

      my score is always negative and in double figures.  it makes me hoot with laughter.

    • Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

      p.s. i will be back, me and my little robo-drones toooo AAAAHHAHAHAHAAA!


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