
helpwith my 2nd map

  • Dan

    Dan - 2003-01-21

    i need help  i have made a set of steps and i want to copy and paste it all(the steps)
    is it possible?

    • Dan

      Dan - 2003-01-21

      and how do u link teleporters??

      • Jeremiah

        Jeremiah - 2003-01-21

        What editor are you using to make the map with?

      • Jeff Myers

        Jeff Myers - 2003-01-21

        BZedit for windows does not supply any copy and paste features for world objects. A feature called grouping will allow you to do what you describe, but that has yet to be implememnted.

        you could open the map file in a text editor and copy the ojbects you wanted, then change there positions manualy.

        There is a short tutorial on how to make maps, and how to link teleporters at just click on the "tutorial" button.

        You may also want to the unofical BZ boards. They are bit more informal, and have a tendecny to get answerd faster then these. they are at .

      • Jeff Myers

        Jeff Myers - 2003-01-21

        BZedit for windows does not supply any copy and paste features for world objects. A feature called grouping will allow you to do what you describe, but that has yet to be implememnted.

        you could open the map file in a text editor and copy the ojbects you wanted, then change there positions manualy.

        There is a short tutorial on how to make maps, and how to link teleporters at just click on the "tutorial" button.

        You may also want to the unofical BZ boards. They are bit more informal, and have a tendecny to get answerd faster then these. they are at .

    • Dan

      Dan - 2003-01-21


      • Jeremiah

        Jeremiah - 2003-01-21

        Not familiar with BZEdit - last time I made a map, I handcoded it :D.

    • Dan

      Dan - 2003-01-21

      ok thanks  do u know about the teleporters?

    • Dan

      Dan - 2003-01-21

      ok i found it   i didenet read i that bit
      thank again Dan

    • Dan

      Dan - 2003-01-21

      and anoutyer prob  it dident explain on the website

      do u know how to do it?

      • Jeff Myers

        Jeff Myers - 2003-01-21

        Please put a post in the BZEDIT section at

        It's a better place to discuss this. This forum is for help and bugs with the actual game, not the tools that others have writen.

        I do know how to make links. Put a post in that board and I'll help you out.

    • Dan

      Dan - 2003-01-21

      ok thanks

    • Dan

      Dan - 2003-01-22

      dident know u can handcode it

      what does it mean :P

      • Jeff Myers

        Jeff Myers - 2003-01-22

        The map is just a text file, open one in a text editor and you can see the objects.


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