
Transaction Codes

  • jmpiloq

    jmpiloq - 2008-08-01

    Dear all,

    in SAP there is something called "transaction code" for (almost?) all screens.
    Is there something similar in ADempiere?


    • omid

      omid - 2008-08-01


      transaction code?!! What exactly transaction code do  in sap ?

    • Mario Calderon

      Mario Calderon - 2008-08-02


      the transaction code in SAP is an alphanumeric string which is used to instantiate a window or a report (e.g. BD11 & RBDFEMAT for "Get Material" screen and report, respectively). If I remember well, you can instantiate any Transaction in code.

      In ADempiere, we have windows defined in AD, so they could be instantiated via name or ID by any program code. The only requirements I see is that they have to be called within the proper context, i.e. not so easily as SAP does it. I recalled I tried to quickly do it, but it took longer and I gave up.

      Best regards,
      Mario Calderón

      • jmpiloq

        jmpiloq - 2008-08-04

        Mario properly described what it is about.

        In addition, SAP provides kind of a "command line" where you can enter these transaction codes to directly enter window or report, depending on the context. Origin seems to predate graphical UI era, but it's nice and practical nevertheless. If you know your transaction codes, you can move around quite fast. It would be nice to have something similar in or close to Adempiere search field, e.g.:

             /n bp     # new business partner
             /s po     # search purchase order
             /v pr     # view product

        maybe some with optional arguments (e.g. ID).

        What do you think?

        Best regards,


        • Redhuan D. Oon

          Redhuan D. Oon - 2008-08-05

          I wonder if the Scripting interface now in ADempiere done by CarlosRuiz can create a terminal function for that purpose.

        • Victor Perez Juarez

          Hi jmpiloq!

          I understand your point, In the ERP proprietary that I implemented in the past we use an alias menu

          Current Adempiere
          Quote-To-Invoice(4)->Sales Order(2)->Sales Order(1)
          Partner Relation(3)->Business Partner Rules(1)-> Business Partner(8)

          So the shortcut access may be 4.2.1 for Sales Order or 3.1.8 for Business Partner.

          This is very useful to tutorial ,manual and training . 

          The implementation will very easy we will be include the index in Menu Tree and when this index code is entry in Lookup Menu this the option is execute.

          What do you think.

          Kind regards
          Victor Perez

          • Teo Sarca

            Teo Sarca - 2008-08-05


            > So the shortcut access may be 4.2.1 for Sales Order or 3.1.8 for Business Partner.

            The only problem that i see with this approach (like on old Nokia phones) is that if I insert a new menu item i can change the shortcuts for a lot of menu items (items under my new menu item).
            I think that menu shortcuts should be specified in AD_Menu table. What do you think ?

            Best regards,
            Teo Sarca

            • jmpiloq

              jmpiloq - 2008-08-05

              Good morning!

              Yes, I agree the codes/shortcuts should not depend on the menu order. The everybody would have a chance of learning (memorizing) those shortcuts. Then there could be kind of a namespace for customizings, i.e. if I add windows or reports in installations.

              I like the idea to be able invoke those shortcuts from a scripting language. I used to write (Groovy):

                   import org.compiere.apps.*

                   frame = new AWindow()
                   frame.initWindow(189, null)
                   return true

              It would be nice to replace 189 by a more illustrative code/shortcut.

              Best regards,


              • Carlos Ruiz

                Carlos Ruiz - 2008-08-05

                Hi, I remember I managed also some apps that calls this codes as mnemonics.

                Obviously they must be independent of menu order as that changes so easily.

                I suppose is as simple as:
                * adding a new "Mnemonic" field (varchar2(5) maybe) to AD_Menu
                * adding a new "Action" field on the menu panel (similar to the current lookup) - where we can fill the mnemonic and even an action (/n /s /v)
                Sounds really simple to implement.

                Now - some procedural questions arise:
                - this is helpful if we keep some standard on the mnemonic
                - who is going to define the standard?
                - who is going to define and maintain the official mnemonics?
                - are we going to allow customization of the mnemonics on specific projects (I suppose this is allowed but undesirable)
                - and I suppose we simply define a standard to name the customizations that don't conflict with official names


                Carlos Ruiz


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