Linux Desktop OS for professionals
CruxEX 3.7 64 bit 24/22 Linux Live DVD/USB is based on CRUX 3.7
OSX Styled Powerful Audio Workstation
Beautiful Deepin Desktop Environment on Pearl Linux
Super stable Cinnamon Desktop based on Debian Buster
A Loaded Recording Studio Out of the box
Graphic Live Mixer
Xfce Desktop with Kwin Window Manager for the Effects
Super Quick XFCE4 Desktop with Kodi for Odroid C1+
OS X Alternative that installs on most new or old computers
32 bit Linux OS with Mate and Cinnamon Desktop together in harmony :-)
The fastest booting Mac OS X like LXDE Live CD distro around
mintyMac 64 bit OS with Xfce4, Gnome,and E17
mintyMac 64 bit xfce4 Linux Live is a fast Linux OS great for netbooks
Mate Desktop with OS X look and feel, System Sounds, MDM, Compiz etc
Lcd TFT 320*240 with touchscreen and SdCard