The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implement.
LymPHOS2 Web-App
Piko solar inverter data communicator and manager
Use Microsoft ADO to read/write most data bases.
Enables easy experimentation with state of the art algorithms
Generative adversarial training for generating synthetic tabular data
Named-entity recognition using neural networks
Powerful tool for modern apps: Django, Rails, Laravel, Node, Go, Java
Digital Signature for PDF documents in Spanish
A stream implementation for Python that provides transparent base64
simple searching tool for big fileservers
Text categorization, arabic language processing, language modeling
Bots is a complete translator for edi: edifact, x12, xml, tradacoms
A powerful Spider(Web Crawler) system in Python
Auto code generation for many languages.
Collecter and manager of semiotica annalisis data
Create custom test databases that are populated with fake data
Simple and fast network discovery tool
Erlang node implemented in Python 3.5+ (Asyncio-based)