Showing 165 open source projects for "pixels"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato. Icon
    Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato.

    Gelato offers an extensive catalog of custom products, a zero-inventory business model, and free designing tools—all in one place.

    The world's largest print on demand network with 140+ production partners across 32 countries. Gelato offers end-to-end design, production and logistics for individuals looking to start their own business today!
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  • 1
    Zoom RFX-2000 Editor

    Zoom RFX-2000 Editor

    Editor for Zoom RFX-2000 multi effects rack unit.

    ... this program as a separate standalone executable or VST . [1] Open this program from within the Ctrlr program [2] Go to :: Panel » Panel Mode. Change the height of the panel from 571 to 595 (See below) [3] Then go to File -> Export -> Export Restricted Instance. ※ Workaround/Bug Fix :: To build as standalone executable on Windows or export as VST, please add 24 pixels to the panel height before exporting. (otherwise you will find the bottom 24 pixels have been truncated)
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  • 2


    a tool to automate a keypress if a certain condition is met

    Keypresshelper ist ein tool um Tastenkombinationen zu automatisieren, wenn eine Bedingung erfüllt ist wie ein Mausklick oder eine bestimme Farbe eines Pixels auf dem Bildschirm. Das Tool wurde hauptsächlich erstellt um Overlays in OBS ein und auszublenden, ist aber vielfältig einsetzbar. Für eine komplette Liste an möglichen Tastenkombinationen besucht bitte diese Seite hier: Keypresshelper is a tool to automate a keypress...
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  • 3
    2D Heat Transfer in .C

    2D Heat Transfer in .C

    2D Heat Numerical Heat Transfer Solver

    PLEASE NOTE: There is a complete installer available if you do not have CVI installed. If you do have it, you can simply download the source files and run them. The following program was built as a final evaluation project for Programming for Mechatronics Course for my BSc. in Mechanical Engineering. This solver is based around the Gauss-Seidel algorithm for 2D heat transfer for pre-determined boundary conditions (i.e. user defined temperatures). I hope this project will be useful for...
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  • 4

    image spinning

    An experiment in assembly language computer programming.

    To spin a picture so it spins around freely through 360 deg turns. An experiment in assembly language programming, its .asm file is here, it is compiled by the free fasmw assembler. The program needs a .bmp type of picure having between 1400 and 500 pixels diameter. Pressing on the A, S, D, F -- K keys causes the image to rotate. It has a simple menu for loading a picture, and only a few functions The way it works is it scans the original bmp picture along radial lines and writes a table...
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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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  • 5
    "Blinkensisters - Hunt for The Lost Pixels" is a Jump'n'Run game for nearly all recent operating systems. It's fun to play and you can make your own levels with a simple text editor. Also, you can download add-ons from within the game engine.
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  • 6
    AtlasMaker generates an atlas of images from a psd file, an accompanying descriptive xml file and, if necessary, a log file. All atlases are described in the xml file. Description of atlases is a list containing information about each image. The following information about the image is presented: name (name of the layer), coordinates of the upper left corner of the layer in pixels in the psd file, the width and height of the layer and the textural coordinates of the upper left and right lower...
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  • 7

    Chastity Checkerboard

    Drawing Checkerboards with the C Programming Language

    There are multple files in this project and they contain my very best code that has been improved slowly for over a decade as I've found the time to work on my programming. By combining my experience with the C programming language and learning to use the SDL library starting in 2019, I managed to get a checkerboard on my computer screen. Since then I slowly removed all SDL dependent code and have learned to write the bytes of image file formats such as PBM,BMP, and even TIFF! I also...
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  • 8


    Image augmentation for machine learning experiments

    .../saturation changes, cropping/padding, blurring, etc. Rotate image and segmentation map on it by the same value sampled. Convert keypoints to distance maps, extract pixels within bounding boxes from images, clip polygon to the image plane, etc. Scale segmentation maps, average/max pool of images/maps, pad images to aspect ratios (e.g. to square them). Draw heatmaps, segmentation maps, keypoints, bounding boxes, etc.
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  • 9

    XWA Hacker

    Fixes for X-Wing game binaries

    Fix/improve X-Wing games (XWA and others) to allow them to run on current PCs with improved graphics. Now also available on the Microsoft Store (consider it beta) at ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9PPKMJSRTM2B or
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  • Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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  • 10


    Node.js desktop automation

    .... Control the keyboard by pressing keys, holding keys down, and typing words. Read pixel color from the screen and capture the screen. Find an image on screen, read pixels from an image. You have prebuilt binaries available, which will allow you to install without compiling! Automate anything! It is easy to use, open source and cross-platform.
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  • 11


    screen ruler for pixels measure and color inspector

    SiRegua é um projeto ferramenta para medição de elementos ou itens/imagens exibidas. Exibe posição x/y da regua horizontal ou vertical. Mostra código HTML da cor localizado pelo ponteiro do mouse Aumento do tamanho da regua até 5000 pixels Grava posição e tamanho da regua para proxima inicialização do app Possibilidade para posicionamento no topo de outras janelas O sistema SiRegua se encontra em constante desenvolvimento, acesse nosso site para saber de novos...
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  • 12

    Sound effect

    It scans a drawing on the screen and converts pixels into sounds.

    The program lets you draw lines and scattered dots on the screen with the Mouse. When you press the Space-bar it scans the screen and converts the drawing into sounds. Each pixel on the screen is converted into a sound, and there is an unfinished idea it can form harmonics. It can make several sound effects, and it's even possible that it can be used to create some music. Its complete source code is there as a single ASM file which can be assembled instantly with the free FASMW compiler.
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  • 13


    ycasd captures and scales data

    Ycasd (ycasd captures and scales data) is a simple tool for capturing and scaling data from graphical representations. It can be used for retrieving data points from figures of electronically available or scanned publications for which no raw data is provided. After the figure is displayed on the screen, it only requires the definition of two pixels on each of the axes by clicking and setting their corresponding values. For each subsequent click on the figure, a coordinate pair is estimated...
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  • 14
    PyTorch pretrained BigGAN

    PyTorch pretrained BigGAN

    PyTorch implementation of BigGAN with pretrained weights

    An op-for-op PyTorch reimplementation of DeepMind's BigGAN model with the pre-trained weights from DeepMind. This repository contains an op-for-op PyTorch reimplementation of DeepMind's BigGAN that was released with the paper Large Scale GAN Training for High Fidelity Natural Image Synthesis. This PyTorch implementation of BigGAN is provided with the pretrained 128x128, 256x256 and 512x512 models by DeepMind. We also provide the scripts used to download and convert these models from the...
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  • 15
    Ruler for windows

    Ruler for windows

    Measure, inspect and test tool.

    Ruler is a lightweight tool for Windows. It allows you to measure the size and distance between elements on the screen in pixels.
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  • 16


    Create fluid and interactive gradient animations

    Create fluid and interactive gradient animations with this small javascript library. Lets you customize the direction of the gradient with pixels or percentage values. You can use more than 2 colors for the gradients, but cannot have different length of colors in the different states. Complete configuration with two states, an image and callbacks set. Granim will emit events you can listen to at key moments. How the image should blend with the gradient? You can see all the possible values...
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  • 17

    Pix2Bit - Game Boy Graphics Analyzer

    translates tiles in a png image file to 16 byte representation

    Pix2Bit allows you to easily select tiles in a png image file to be used in a game boy application, and immediately see the hexadecimal representation of these tiles. You can copy these hexadecimal byte numbers and paste them into your game boy code. You can view the image in a grid of 8x8 pixels or without a grid. You can zoom in and out of the image. You also get a count of the number of tiles that are unique out of the total number of tiles in the image.
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  • 18


    A measurement tool for windows, in terms of Centimeters, Inches, etc..

    MeasurementTool is a Windows application, which can be used to find the Distance/Length between two points (between two Pixels on the display), and convert it in terms of Centimeters, Inches, and Millimeters.
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  • 19
    Front End Checklist

    Front End Checklist

    Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers

    ... of flexibility. Some resources possess an emoticon to help you understand which type of content/help you may find on the checklist. A title is used on all pages (SEO: Google calculates the pixel width of the characters used in the title, and it cuts off between 472 and 482 pixels. The average character limit would be around 55-characters). A meta description is provided, it is unique and doesn't possess more than 150 characters.
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  • 20
    Imagine Engine

    Imagine Engine

    A project to create a blazingly fast Swift game engine

    ... hardware-accelerated 2D rendering capabilities, Imagine Engine is able to push lots of pixels onto the screen at the same time. That means more objects, more effects and less restrictions when designing your games. Besides its goal of being blazingly fast at rendering & updating your games, Imagine Engine aims to provide an easy to use API that anyone can learn - regardless of game development experience.
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  • 21
    Graphical Machine
    Graphical machine is the sequel for Run Machine. Its particularity is that it does not display on a console but on a 900 by 600 screen, making it possible to display lines, squares, circles and even 3D shapes. Text display is still possible thanks to another new feature: patterns. Patterns are "objects" storing a plane of pixels, allowing the display of "prefabricated" objects (such as a letter or a button). It is also possible to share and use function libraries (such as drawing algorithms...
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  • 22


    Activates the PTT of a hamradio TX when a specific color is at screen

    When operating any hamradio software that doesn’t control the PTT (push to talk) button of the radio you can use ColorVox to operate the PTT thru the COM port when some specific pixels at the screen change the color to a specific color you select. This software evolves the concept of voice operated relay (VOX) well known in hamradio activity to color operated relay (ColorVox) that is the innovation it introduces.
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  • 23

    Web Unit Converter

    Web unit converter for web developers

    An handy program which helps you convert units, common used in the web.
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  • 24 - Batch Image Resizer

    Resize entire directories or a group of images in a few mouse clicks

    Batch Image Resizer is a usefull application to resize entire directories or a group of images in just a few mouse clicks. You can resize by percentage or by specifying the required size in pixels.
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  • 25


    A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web

    The tracking.js library brings different computer vision algorithms and techniques into the browser environment. By using modern HTML5 specifications, we enable you to do real-time color tracking, face detection and much more, all that with a lightweight core (~7 KB) and intuitive interface. To get started, download the project. This project includes all of the tracking.js examples, source code dependencies you'll need to get started. Unzip the project somewhere on your local drive. The...
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