An enterprise-class CRM and more!
Beamology: Semicom Project Management
Cellular manager for mobile phones/modems
Windows Apache/PHP/MariaDB(MySQL) Stack
Software gratis de gestión - ERP - Facturación - POS - Free - TPV
PHPawn is a web-based and visual basic pawnshop program.
GaRLiC=Gambas Raw Lines of Code, a Gambas2 code library for use in SMB
From MySQL to MonetDB
MySQL Database Viewer, Editor
Build HTML5 apps for web and mobile using your .NET skills
Develop and host websites on your PC with great ease.
TGS computer management software, it is free
Powerfull ATL Based Library (for VB6) / Strong Class Relations
tarificacion,gestion de grabaciones,reportes,call center,graficos