Fast, simple and clean video downloader
Multi-purpose serial data visualization & processing
MuldeR's OpenSource Projects
The simple program for video compression in the ProRes format
A free video editor to cut, filter, and encode projects
Windows brightness control | Control de brillo en Windows
LiVES is a Video Editing System. It is designed to be simple to use, y
Graphic Live Mixer
WebCam Eye Tracking for usability testing
FFmpeg GUI for Linux & Windows
4Chan Thread Ripper - Rip videos & images from 4chan threads
Video Capture from Windows WDM cameras
Input plugin for VirtualDub, uses FFMpeg
Various multi-platforms projects coded in FreePascal/Lazarus or Qt C++
Content-Based Video Copy Detection
Simulator for sensory effect and multimedia content
Create videos from image and video data linked with GPS tracks