Media Video Mixer Playlist streaming Software.
creates .srt file from .txt file.
Create and edit video chapter files.
grab screen video using ffmpeg and type remarks
Complete Webpage in PHP & Perl for Youtube Downloader Web Projekt
Video Annotation Tool
Playout Server that can act as a TV Station in a Box
A video-based animated GIF creator
To aid translation of satsangs of Paramhamsa Nithyananda
Free screen recording software
A stylish Video Converter written in Python
Tool to add furigana and in-line translation to Japanese subtitles
Control live text overlay(s) over a live video feed or file using VLC.
OSX Droplets for ffmpeg
Audio Video media editor for complex composition
Renderer for subtitle format SSB.
Download images and video from Instagram
YTDownloader is a simple utility to download YouTube Videos
Frameserver plugin for video editing via scripting.