Window hooker to run fullscreen programs in window and much more...
VCLua is a LCL/VCL based GUI library for LUA
A Portable Wide-Character Terminal Output Package for C and C++
A multi-posix-platform abstraction layer for creating desktop apps
A .NET6 WPF Pdfium-based viewer control and printer object.
The smallest header-only GUI library(4 KLOC) for all platforms
Powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C.
Pointer Lock for Java AWT/Swing
Real-time interactive 3D graphics API for scientific simulations
TangramKit is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Swift
Visualize String, StringBuilder, Image, and DataTable in debug mode.
Convert Microsoft Word and HTML files to a CHM help file.
Open file dialog that is callable from scripts
A GUI test program for Artistic Style using the wxWidgets C++ library.
C# custom control for round gauge creating and tuning.
NUnit Test Results Viewer
Perl bindings to the Modern OpenGL API
Rich HTML UI engine for UE4