Simple modern-looking event calendar
Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development
A Laravel 5 package that switches Laravel scaffolding to AdminLTE
A GTK-3 widget to display data
Windows 95 UI Kit made with Bootstrap 4 components
Search and discovery UI for Helm Chart repositories
Localized MIUI ROMs
Tao3D is a programming language for real-time interactive 3D
Cross Platform GUI Toolkit
A tool to quickly mock out end points, setup delays and more
Scrollable UINavigationBar following the scrolling of a UIScrollView
GUI library for games and multimedia.
Windows Apache/PHP/MariaDB(MySQL) Stack
130+ jQuery code snippets for Visual Studio 2012-2019
React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10
Portable Pascal GUI Library for Atari ST/TT/MSDOS
a CLI generator and and SW library
A JavaScript framework to create conversational UIs
Admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4, elegant UI themes
Simple Dashboard Admin App built using Angular 8 and Bootstrap 4
Material Design for Bootstrap 4