Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
Hobby operating system, bootloader, kernel, drivers, C library
A free C, C++ and Fortran IDE
Img is a collection of format handlers for the Tk photo image type.
inputbox password WIN OSX GTK QT Console VCPKG C# Lua R Fortran Pascal
An open process control and laser engraving software solution
A GUI system for embedded systems.
Simple GUI Toolkit Framework
A Portable Wide-Character Terminal Output Package for C and C++
A multi-posix-platform abstraction layer for creating desktop apps
Create basic GUI windows for minimal Linux distros
A small C library for building user interfaces with C, XML and CSS
A GTK+-3 widget to display data
A GTK-3 widget to display data
Real-time interactive 3D graphics API for scientific simulations
Cross Platform GUI Toolkit
X11 developer's 'workbench' and lightweight toolkit API