Lightweight, Elegant and Sustainable Operating System
An electronic shelf label is a type of price tag
VenenuX's development and software contender
A DIY Linux distribution
A free Usenet server with SQL backend and RBAC.
Cellular manager for mobile phones/modems
Enterprise-class, distributed monitoring solution for networks & apps
Synchronize directories
Xplico is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT)
PeerGuardian - a privacy oriented firewall application
Text mode file and archive manager for Windows
Atari 2600, C64, Python, 3D engines and rock'n roll
Energy and environmental monitoring of the server room
The Internet of Things
A MAC address based user authentication system for campus-wide network
SA:MP server administration filterscript
Open Design and Integration Environment
Collects data about network useage using libpcap.
Qexplore enables a Qmail server to analyze emails.
Linux Myst Debian Wheezy based 7.2 with myst window manager / gnome
Scriptable frontend for media applications.