Agena is an interpreted procedural programming language.
Software Facil, Vida Facil
VenenuX's development and software contender
A simple and fast frontend for the QEMU Emulator - Freeware.
Message passing microkernel-based Operating System for ZX Spectrum +3e
My FreeDOS Floppy Disk Distribution
Random data generator: secure character streams and large files
Mind Guard OS Made For Minds
VenenuX GNU/Linux
A Numerical System controlled by algorithms.
i-nex system hardware lister
Android, DOS, FirefoxOS, Linux, MacOS and Windows all in one..
BASIC Interpretative SHell
create a baldix repository for bsp packages
create and modify bsp packages
Free Open Source H/W S/W for USB-GPIB interface
Simple, lightweight, standalone command-line single file encryption.
Apple1 Emulator for the terminal with cut and paste.