A tool that automates complex file operations.
Private, secure backups in the cloud.
Multi-platform disk cataloguing utility written in java.
Project for backing up network device configuration
Browse, Download and Install Mods for PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360
A GUI tool for organizing files, based on file extension type.
cross-platform (Java) file encryption and archiving tool
The safest way to store private data in untrusted (cloud) environments
Award-winning modern data processing in C++17/20
Scan Drives or Folders: Quickly get a FULL LIST of ALL FILES
Get and save hashes of files in a drive or folder.
Keep local files current to online sources
VMWare ESXi Virtual Machine Backup, runs in free ESXi
Wipe erase data from hdds on the network, unlimited hard disks
Disk Imaging and Backup Utility
Disk usage and free utility, a better 'df' alternative
Free and open-source interactive source explorer
Java wrapper for 7z archiver engine
Program to quickly and easily encrypt or decrypt files or directories
Compare 2 different text or doc files to find the differences
An open source filesystem library