Object-oriented equation-based modelling and optimisation software
Euler Yet another proof Engine
Auto Update munki products
The C++11 library, msvc2015u3/gcc5.4 + cmake,python,bash,vbs modules
Free Lock Manager
Generate boilerplate for LV2 plugins
LIXA, LIbre XA, is a free and open source XA transaction manager
Cross-platform C++ library for use as a default application framework.
The full codebase of Feisty Meow® Concerns Ltd.
Software Unit Tests (Language Independent Approach)
Calculation with Clifford algebras: C++ library and Python module
This is QEMU virtual machine with Raspbian OS for students KNUCA
PTP Management library to communicate with linuxptp using IEEE 1558.
Multi facets CASE/AGL for easy project developments