Communication framework for data-centric high-performance applications
A free, open source, multi-platform SQLite database manager
Intel® Performance Counter Monitor (Intel® PCM)
A modern library for 3D data processing
C++ library for high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs
A modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD
Moonlight port for Nintendo Switch
Coroutine-based concurrency library for PHP
C++ Functional Terminal User Interface
Toolkit for making machine learning and data analysis applications
QtPass is a multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password
Formatting library as an alternative to C stdio and C++ iostreams
A C++17 cross-platform implementation for UUIDs
C++ Qt ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and ODM library
Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
Lightning fast C++/CUDA neural network framework
SageMaker specific extensions to TensorFlow
A flight software and embedded systems framework
A language for fast, portable data-parallel computation
A cross-platform file change monitor with multiple backends
Lua API wrapper with advanced features and top notch performance
Migrate between Alveo and F1 platforms