Extra tools for OpenOffice under weak copyleft or other licenses
A huge collection (80+) of Plymouth themes ported from Android
Go implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification
Lexbor is development of an open source HTML Renderer library
C++ library for creating XLSX files for MS Excel 2007 and above.
csv2odf can convert csv data to formatted spreadsheets and documents.
A portable ANSI C resource compiler to import images, audio, and text.
Crowd-sourcing CJK font project
A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS
A Java ePub reader and parser framework for Android
File type detector library
A fast DVI to SVG converter
Simple font chooser dialog for tkinter
Python script (and library) for exporting icons from icon fonts
3D .NET engine for Windows, Linux, Mac
Java bindings to cairo
combinational logic functions minimization
imagetext is a smarty plugin for creating graphical cached text images
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