Less, the dynamic stylesheet language
An agent to enable remote management of your EC2 instances
Complete container management platform
Kubernetes observability and automation
SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using Python
Scala 2 compiler and standard library
Kubernetes platform from Flant
The gruntwork.io website
Open source framework simplifying the creation of C++ applications
A web based mission control framework
Count and limit requests by key with atomic increments
Collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms
Meshery, the cloud native manager
Development toolkit for Web Services and XML data bindings for C & C++
Create Web Based Forms Quickly, With In-built DB, For All Your Teams
MaddCrypt is a simple Protector for your .NET application
A library for secure deleting data on-the-fly
Auxiliary tool that can replace the player, push notifications, etc.
Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to build models using SageMaker
An extensible open-source framework for creating blockchain apps
Latency and Fault Tolerance for Distributed Systems
Stateless Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection with JWT
RSAREF(TM): A Cryptographic Toolkit