Customizable Icons for React Native with full styling
ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS
The premium icon font for @uiwjs Component Library
Simple and light-weight 3D game engine
Simple PDF generation for Python
A library to add Emoji support to your Android / JVM Application
RapiDoc - Custom-Element for OpenAPI Spec
A clean customizable documentation theme for Sphinx
A Ruby gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command
A drop-in replacement for UILabel
Object oriented web framework for Kotlin/JS
Sexy fonts for the console
Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
Simple.css is a classless CSS template to make a good website
A community-driven modular vim/neovim distribution
wxMEdit, Cross-platform Text/Hex Editor, Improved Version of MadEdit
Clipboard history capture and paste tool
Local Terminal Emulator
Easy-to-use print report library and designer
Single-purpose css class names and font-face config to IPFS up your UI
TTFviewer is a small tool for developers to preview ttf font/icon file
Roozegaar Calendar (تقویم روزگار)
Platform-independent GUI library
Kisekae UltraKiss is a full featured integrated development environmen