Showing 102 open source projects for "i see pic"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 1


    Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels, etc.

    Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub. Fully automated changelog generation - This gem generates a changelog file based on tags, issues and merged pull requests (and splits them into separate lists according to labels) from octocat: GitHub. What’s the point of a changelog? To make it easier for users and contributors to see precisely what notable changes have been made between each release (or version) of the project. Why should I care...
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  • 2


    A React component for swipeable views

    A React component for swipeable views. react-native support is experimental and I have no plan pushing it forward. I start to think that lower level abstraction to share the implementation between the platforms are more appropriate. We have two different implementations of the react-swipeable-views API. The project is split into multiple packages. This is really useful for code sharing and isolation. We are using Lerna to do so. The infinite feature is provided thanks to a higher order...
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  • 3

    compiler manifest wrapper

    compiler manifest wrapper - adds manifest to your exe's if applicable

    .... These are distributed as separate zip files, and are updated and upgraded whenever I see a bug, or need a feature. Help on is --help They are meant to be run under windows. gw.cmd, bc2.cmd, gp.cmd, gwix.cmd are your compiler wrapper batch files you will be using. gw2.cmd and bc2.cmd and gwix.cmd generate both 32 and 64-bit executables in a 32\ and 64\ directory automatically and copy the minimum DLL's needed. you must edit some of the batch files to configure them for your environment.
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  • 4
    GitHub Profile README Generator

    GitHub Profile README Generator

    Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons

    GitHub Profile README Generator is an OSS(Open Source Software) that provides a cool interface to generate GitHub profile README in markdown. The tool aims to provide a hassle-free experience to add trending addons as profile visitors count, GitHub stats, dynamic blog posts, etc. The profile should be neat and minimal to give a clear overview of the work. Non-uniform icons, too much content, too many images/gifs distract visitors to see your actual work. To solve this, GitHub Profile README...
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5


    A self-service password management tool for Active Directory

    PassCore is a very simple 1-page web application written in C#, using ASP.NET Core, Material UI (React Components), and Microsoft Directory Services (Default provider). It allows users to change their Active Directory/LDAP password on their own, provided the user is not disabled. PassCore does not require any configuration, as it obtains the principal context from the current domain. I wrote this because a number of people have requested several features that the original version did not have...
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  • 6


    A UIView debugger (like Reveal or Xcode) that can be embedded

    ... view: This is a feature I really wanted in Xcode, to be able to visually find a view and see where it is in the hierarchy view. Support for iPad and iPhone: Layouts are designed specifically for each form factor. Extensible: The base implementation supports UIView hierarchies, but this is easily extensible to support any kind of UI framework (e.g. CoreAnimation or SpriteKit)
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  • 7


    Git GUI Client

    ... inside. Some of the best engineers of the time may think Git in GUI. That's a lot of it. When I want to execute a command that I rarely use, I sometimes force myself to do not rely on the GUI, open the terminal and hand enter the git command. If you find a feature that you find useful, you can incorporate it into this app. You can use it comfortably for daily use of Git operations, want to see the commit graphs cleanly, or just for such uses.
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  • 8
    Arduino MIDI Library

    Arduino MIDI Library

    MIDI for Arduino

    This library adds MIDI I/O communications to an Arduino board. MIDI over USB, Bluetooth, IP & AppleMIDI (see Transports). Active Sensing support. Compatible with all Arduino boards (and clones with an AVR processor). Simple and fast way to send and receive every kind of MIDI message (including all System messages, SysEx, Clock, etc..). OMNI input reading (read all channels). Software Thru, with message filtering. Callbacks to handle input messages more easily. Last received message is saved...
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  • 9
    Developer Roadmap Chinese

    Developer Roadmap Chinese

    The roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2021

    In this project, you will see a series of charts showing the paths you can take and the technologies you will want to adopt in order to become a front-end, back-end, or DevOps developer. I made these charts for an old professor of mine. He wanted to share something with college students and give them a point of view; share them here to help the community. The purpose of these roadmaps is to give you an outline and to provide you with guidance when you are confused about what to learn next...
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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  • 10


    OAuth2 framework for macOS and iOS, written in Swift

    OAuth2 frameworks for macOS, iOS, and tvOS written in Swift 5.0. OAuth2 requires Xcode 10.2, the built framework can be used on OS X 10.11 or iOS 8 and later. Happy to accept pull requests, please see Since the Swift language is constantly evolving I have adopted a versioning scheme mirroring Swift versions: the framework version's first two digits are always the Swift version the library is compatible with, see releases. Code compatible with brand-new Swift versions should...
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  • 11


    Exploring and understanding Python through surprising snippets

    Python, being a beautifully designed high-level and interpreter-based programming language, provides us with many features for the programmer's comfort. But sometimes, the outcomes of a Python snippet may not seem obvious at first sight. Here's a fun project attempting to explain what exactly is happening under the hood for some counter-intuitive snippets and lesser-known features in Python. While some of the examples you see below may not be WTFs in the truest sense, but they'll reveal some...
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  • 12
    EN: Code created to show how is done the calculation of a CRC. It includes many different CRCs to choose from. This software was created to help people understand how is the CRC calculated and be able to see it in a practical way, it is also available to copy and use it for your own project. I hope it helps you. ES: Código creado para mostrar como se realiza el cálculo de un CRC. Con el mismo se incluyen varios CRCs que pueden ser escogidos. Este software se creó con el propósito de...
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  • 13


    high performance JSON encoder/decoder with stream API for Golang

    GoJay is a performant JSON encoder/decoder for Golang (currently the most performant, see benchmarks). It has a simple API and doesn't use reflection. It relies on small interfaces to decode/encode structures and slices. Gojay also comes with powerful stream decoding features and an even faster Unsafe API. There is also a code generation tool to make usage easier and faster. I looked at other fast decoders/encoders and realized it was mostly hardly readable static code generation or a lot...
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  • 14


    An HTML/CSS/JavaScript editor with preview window

    The Web Experimentation Kit allows you to enter HTML, CSS and JavaScript and see the results immediately in a browser frame side-by-side with the editor. If you've seen the W3Schools Tryit Editor, JSFiddle or CodePen then this should be familiar to you. The difference between WebExKit and these other applications is that WebExKit is a stand-alone application that runs on your desktop and it allows you to save (and reload) files to your own disk drive. The editor shows a properly formed HTML...
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  • 15


    A simple C++11 network server framework

    Simple and easy-to-use C++11 network library/ Supports tens of millions of concurrent connections on a single machine/ a simple C++11 network server framework. Graceful exit allows programmers to better define the exit behavior of their programs. You can better check for memory leaks with tools such as valgrind. 10 lines of code to write a complete server. Asynchronously manages network I/O and processes requests synchronously, which simplifies the writing of server processing logic...
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  • 16


    Beautifier and language aware code comparison tool for many languages

    Beautifier and language-aware code comparison tool for many languages. It also minifies and a few other things. In this personal project I am trying to solve the problem of decentralization with a focus on privacy, permissions, performance, and automation. Decentralization is likely not what you think it is. For an excellent and mature example of decentralization see the architecture of WebRTC. My current project approaches the application considerations of decentralization far more...
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  • 17


    A JavaScript framework to create conversational UIs

    We are listing all the cool projects that people are building with BotUI, here. See others' and add yours! Heads Up! The upcoming version will have some major breaking changes. I suggest you use a specific version instead of using the latest tag. BotUI makes it super easy to create conversational/bot interfaces. It has an intuitive JavaScript API to add messages and show actions that a user can perform. It also gives you total control over how everything looks. You can also create your own...
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  • 18
    Sudoku Game Solver Generator

    Sudoku Game Solver Generator

    Standalone Complete Sudoku puzzle Game Solver Generator for Windows

    ... on a Deep Neural Network. But I analyzed more than 100 scientific publications on Sudoku generation problem and have reduced the Deep Neural Network to a relatively simple and very elegant deterministic algorithm that works pretty fast. As a result, the app can generate Sudoku fields in 7 difficulty levels from 'Yellow Belt' to 'Sudoku Game Jedi Master'. The application supports Quick Start mode, see features below [QS Step 1] and [QS Step 2] (buttons in an application window).
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  • 19


    A site generation tool (and then some) for .NET platforms

    A simple, pluggable site generation tool for .NET developers and Windows users (with Mono support planned I think). Pretzel follows the same conventions as Jekyll and should be compatible with basic Jekyll websites. With the power of Markdown and Liquid, going from nada to awesome has never been so quick. By using taste, Pretzel reprocesses your changes and spits out HTML on the fly. While Ruby is great, sometimes you care more about creating your website than installing Ruby, Ruby Dev Kit...
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  • 20


    A minimalistic open-source code editor written in pure Tcl/Tk

    A minimalistic cross-platform code editor written in pure Tcl/Tk SOURCES: INFORMATION: CuteCODE is NOT released yet though I do already work in it in order to test it and just because this is great). Pre-alpha version with only FileSave/FileSaveAs feature is available at Files-> - please feel free to test it or at least give it a try. See how to run the program below. CURRENT STATUS: Under construction DEPENDENCIES: You must...
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  • 21
    JavaScript Stack from Scratch

    JavaScript Stack from Scratch

    Tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack

    This is a straight-to-the-point guide to assembling a JavaScript stack. It requires some general programming knowledge, and JavaScript basics. It focuses on wiring tools together and giving you the simplest possible example for each tool. You can see this tutorial as a way to write your own boilerplate from scratch. Since the goal of this tutorial is to assemble various tools, I do not go into details about how these tools work individually. Refer to their documentation or find other tutorials...
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  • 22


    Structure of Arrays of multiple types

    ...; double[3] pos; float[3] vel;};) in the context of high-performance numerical simulations. It can be applied to many other problems. Please check the sample file main.cpp to see examples of code that you can write with SoAx.
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  • 23
    CS:GO Multi Script

    CS:GO Multi Script

    Multi scripts for CS:GO that do just about everything

    I have not posted any of the code yet, I'm working on it locally then will push everything. This is not to be used in game (maybe deathmatch only :stuck_out_tongue:), but rather is meant to have some with the features that Java provides. I included all source so that you can see what I used. This is a great project to learn about global event listener, JRobot, JavaFX, etc... Most of the people said this just makes it harder to play the game, so it's not fantastic. The only thing I...
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  • 24


    Create Drupal 7 fields from CSV

    I recently have had to create content types with hundred of fields. I decided to create a quick utility to generate them from a CSV file instead of using the Web interface. The application produces a module for Drupal 7. See for an usage example. It worked for me, but use it at your own risk. I have not tested it in depth. Please backup your data before enabling the modules produced by the utility.
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  • 25


    Android developer nanodegree, Projects 1 & 2 : Popular Movies app

    Here is a fully functional and user friendly android app which I made from scratch for Android Developer Nanodegree program. This app helps users to discover various categorised Movies and TV Shows. It reveals the power of adaptive UI both for phone and tablet devices.It includes various new Lollipop+ features. The app was highly evaluated by certified Udacity code reviewer and was graded as "Exceeds Specifications".
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