A C Program code to solve for Heat advection in 3D Cartesian grid.
A C Program code to solve for Heat advection in 2D Cartesian grid.
A C Program code to solve for Heat convection in 3D Cartesian grid.
A C Program code to solve for Heat convection in 2D Cartesian grid.
(RoboSim) Java based Robot Localization and Path Planner Simulator.
Simulation, analysis, and management of the movement of water
MPI based Parallelized C Program code to solve for 2D heat advection.
A C Program code to solve for Heat diffusion in 2D Axi-symmetric grid.
An Open source Analysis and SImulation Toolbox for Fuel Cells
A C Program code to solve for Heat diffusion in 3D Axi-symmetric grid.
A C Program code to solve for Heat conduction in 3D Cartesian grid.
MPI based Parallelized C Program code to solve for 3D heat conduction.
Simulator of G/G/k queue systems used in computer networks.
OPen ARchitecture PARallel PARticle code
Multiscale Neuroscience and Systems Biology Simulator
SPH With Inter-dependent Fine-grained Tasking
Modeling and Simulation made NiCE!
This is a template Python code set to use JModelica easily.
Cadence 614 installing scripts with source files
Old PCs' Emulator Series