Lightweight and customizable notification daemon
Qtum Core Wallet
The AWS exploitation framework, designed for testing security
Rules engine for cloud security, cost optimization, and governance
Axios + standardized errors + request/response transforms
Easier & faster Kubernetes policies using JavaScript or TypeScript
Rack middleware for blocking & throttling
A Python toolbox for scalable outlier detection
Laravel wrapper around OAuth 1 & OAuth 2 libraries
A push notification server written in Go (Golang)
The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP
Associate users with roles and permissions
World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility
Open-Source Phishing Framework
Scalable, open source and free security incident response platform
A macOS, Linux, Windows app to test push notifications on iOS Android
A SigV4 authentication plugin for the open-source DataStax Java Driver
OmniAuth is a flexible authentication system utilizing Rack middleware
Secure desktop password management application
WAFW00F allows one to identify and fingerprint Web App Firewall
A lightweight and easy-to-use password manager
A cross-platform file change monitor with multiple backends
Handy, High performance, ModSecurity compatible Nginx firewall module
Tools to bootstrap CAs, certificate requests, and signed certificates