Enables in-process caching of secrets for C# applications
AWS Encryption SDK for Dafny
A lightweight and easy-to-use password manager
AutoType Quick Search plugin for KeePass
Windows Hook Keylogger
Display online (TLS, DTLS, OPC, QUIC) & offline X509 certificates
MaddCrypt is a simple Protector for your .NET application
Securely generate passwords using Random.org , supporting UTF16
Yet another password generator, but this one works.
Sync directories and files in a secure folder on an external drive
A self-service password management tool for Active Directory
Windows Defender Central
Bypass your ISP's firewalls and connect to the internet!
Generate file version information
Lightweight RAW and ZIP disk images reader and writer to USB or SD
One Time Pad with RNGCryptoServiceProvider
A console file shredder that supports many algorithms.
A plugin to allow other plugins to check for updates on SourceForge
Another one of em' DoS Tools!
an ultimate evidence wiper
Looking for a simple way to use FB login method without FB sdk?