An interactive viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures.
Toolkit for working with and mapping geospatial data
FREE software to manage your psychology or allied health solo practice
Symja - Java computer algebra language & symbolic math library
JavaScript-Based Molecular Viewer From Jmol
Autoplot is an interactive browser for data on the web
Meta-Model Management based on RDFs Revision Reflection
Calculates the voltage across a liquid junction between two solutions
A linguistic annotation store
BoPlanets shows planets relatively to an observing planet.
Open Source and data mining software
HL7 Inspector is a tool for managing HL7 messages
A national virtual bridge engineering contest for kids of all ages.
a Domain Ontology rapiD DeveLopment Environment – OWL extension
ILA is a fully customizable and teachable voice assistant for Java
Accent interfaces and controls systems through goals and policies