Google's software suite for combinatorial optimization
Google maps for block game
GWC is a tile server and caching proxy written in Java
Precision Trigonometry: Advanced Calculator for Complex Math
A collection of java astronomy tools
Virtual Planetarium and other Astronomical Calculation Routines
FREE software to manage your psychology or allied health solo practice
Jiddu Krishnamurti's Book of Life|Libro de la Vida
Mod for evolution simulation and artificial life program Biogenesis
Free 3D Mobile CAD
a free cross platform precise unit converter, supports 6000+ units
A view abstraction to provide a map user interface
ILA is a fully customizable and teachable voice assistant for Java
Trasforma coordinate da epsg per google maps
GeoData Web Editing [core SIG Web]
Subtitle translator from one natural language to other.
To aid translation of satsangs of Paramhamsa Nithyananda
Java Library for workflow handling
Customization of OpenGTS look and feel
As of 2012-12-18, this project may now be found at Google Code.