Showing 91 open source projects for "opencl-z"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

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  • 1


    Power flow library in C++

    fPotencia is the fruit of free time and passion for power systems simulation. After observing the lack of ready-to-implement libraries for power system analisys, and that the existing ones focus on command line workflow, I decided myself to start a project to fill the gap. Since Power system simulations have started needing to be executed in parallel, the old C-like designs are outdated; modular design is now needed to launch many simulations at the same time based on a base...
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  • 2
    P.I.P. Equation Converter

    P.I.P. Equation Converter

    Prefix/Infix/Postfix Equation Converter

    P.I.P. EQUATION CONVERTER - version 1.1 Copyright (C) 2015 ISYS lab P.I.P. Equation Converter is a very simple Prefix/Infix/Postfix equation converter. It can detect and convert equation from one form to the other. Important: ++++++++++ * supported operands: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 (only single character each) * supported operators: '+', '-', '*', '/', '(', ')' * do not use brackets while inputting Prefix/Postfix Equation * do use brackets while inputting Infix Equation * this application...
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  • 3

    Image fun

    Image fun

    Image generation according specific formula using GPGPU (CUDA/OpenCL)
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  • 4


    Manipulator or Industrial Robots MOtion Path 3D simulation and animat

    The gMOP3D version 0.0.1 software is a Manipulator or Industrial Robots MOtion Path 3D simulation and animation system base on gnu. This software only do ari thmetic and calculating the path. It depends the OpenSCAD environment for simuation and animation of motion. You can use it simulating X Y Z coordinate CNC with out G code. It maybe use to axle running one straight line, as this straight path as the CNC linear motion system. This is the first software of me, so it may have...
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5
    Slnečné škvrny

    Slnečné škvrny

    Program na spracovanie pozorovaní slnečných škvŕn

    Program vznikol ako ročníková práca z informatiky na Gymnáziu Jána Adama Raymana v Prešove. Vznikol na základe programu PC – Sun (autor: V. Feik), ktorý slúži na digitalizáciu pozorovaní Slnka na Hvezdárni Františka Pešty v Sezimovom Ústí (ČR). Program Slnečné škvrny slúži na digitalizáciu pozorovaní slnečných škvŕn a fakulových polí. Pozorovania sú následne štatisticky spracované do tabuliek a grafov popisujúcich aktivitu Slnka. Program taktiež umožňuje výpočet fyzikálnych súradníc Slnka...
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  • 6


    LGPL GML parser

    LGML is a GML parser under the LGPL license. The aim is to parse a GML document or fragment in order to get a WKT output. 2D and 3D inputs are both handled, but it is not permitted to have mixed geometries. The caller can choose if the input coordinates are parsed as X, Y, Z (if present) order, or Y, X, Z (if present) order. The willing of the project is to be a starting point useful for developers that need to parse GML objects in order to use them, for example, in the context of OGC...
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  • 7
    Functional Mechanism

    Functional Mechanism

    Regression Analysis under Differential Privacy

    Functional Mechanism is a differentially private method designed for a large class of optimization-based analyses. The main idea is to enforce epsilon-differential privacy by perturbing the objective function of the optimization problem, rather than its results. Please cite the following paper if you choose to use this code: J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, X. Xiao, Y. Yang, and M. Winslett. Functional Mechanism: Regression Analysis under Differential Privacy. PVLDB 5(11):1364-1375, 2012.
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  • 8


    Complex error functions, Dawson, Faddeeva, and Voigt function

    A self-contained C library providing complex error functions, based on Faddeeva's plasma dispersion function w(z). Also provides Dawson's integral and Voigt's convolution of a Gaussian and a Lorentzian.
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  • 9
    rfMaxima is an RF toolbox for the wxMaxima computer algebra system.
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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  • 10


    SOMA evolutionary algorithm in OpenCL

    Usage of OpenCL to speed-up execution of Self Organizing Migrating Algorithm. Software was created on Tomas Bata University in Zlín
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  • 11
    Data Migration Tool for z/OS
    This software provides a fast way to migrate table or datasets between 2 MVS and Z/OS Mainframes by generating and submitting jobs from a Windows platform.
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  • 12


    3D Stabilization software for intravital imaging of mouse organs

    - 2D Stabilization in each slice of the stacks in time. - 3D Stabilization intravital imaging of all the stacks (including the dimension Z) - create the videos and the stabilized images in a new folder
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  • 13
    siMacro is simple GUI tool for cell based genome wide siRNA screen data processing. It calculates statistical parameters such as Z score and robust Z score.
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  • 14

    LBP in multiple platforms

    LBP implementation in multiple computing platforms (ARM,GPU, DSP...)

    ...: - OpenCL for CPU & GPU - OpenCL for GPU (branchless) - C code optimized for ARM - OpenGL ES 2.0 shaders mobile GPUs - C code for TI C64x DSP core (branchless) - C code for TTA processor synthesis If you use the code somewhere, please cite: Bordallo López M., Nieto A., Boutellier J., Hannuksela J., and Silvén O. "Evaluation of real-time LBP computing in multiple architectures," Journal of Real Time Image Processing, 2014
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  • 15
    Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) for Multi-CPU (and RAM) Stress Testing. Shows detailed information about physical and logical processors in the system. Included CPU Benchmark feature for speed testing. Automatically utilizes and tests all CPU cores.
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  • 16

    Rozkład temperatury w pomieszczeniach

    Symulacja procesów cieplnych zachodzących w pomieszczeniach

    ... OpenCL. Innymi ważnymi elementami są graficzna wizualizacja wyników z wykorzystaniem biblioteki graficznej OpenGL oraz stworzenie interfejsu użytkownika umożliwiającego zmianę parametrów symulacji.
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  • 17
    Nadstavba ST

    Nadstavba ST

    Stavařská nadstavba pro AutoCAD a IntelliCAD.

    ST je stavařská nadstavba pro AutoCAD a IntelliCAD napsaná v AutoLISPu. První řádky byly napsány někdy v říjnu 1999. Z počátku měl celý projekt sloužit jen k připomenutí a zdokonalení se v AutoLISPu. Časem ale vzniklo dost funkcí, které pokud by se poskládaly dohromady, byl by z toho celkem užitečný celek. První použitelné verze byly k dispozici v létě 2000. Spolehlivě fungovaly ale jen pod A2000. Skutečně spolehlivá verze byla až verze 1.40, o té se i přes všechny nedostatky dalo říci, že...
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    Java Decision Diagram Libraries (BDD)

    Java Decision Diagrams (BDD) libraries: JDD and JBDD

    This project has been moved to - - It includes two libraries for working with decision diagrams: - JBDD: a Java interface to two popular BDD libraries, CUDD and BuDDy - JDD: a native Java library supporting BDD, Z-BDD
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  • 19
    Cloo is an open source, easy to use, managed library which enables .NET/Mono applications to take full advantage of the OpenCL framework.
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  • 20
    A program for exploring complex functions, much like the now out-dated f(z). Domain colored plots of complex functions. Click evaluate. Uses reflection so you can code almost anything for your formula. All java. Please help.
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  • 21
    libCL is an open-source library for high performance computing in OpenCL. The goal is to provide a comprehensive repository of parallel algorithms and data structures for visual-centric computing.
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  • 22
    Z-Machine Preservation Project
    An Interactive Fiction Player written for Java Virtual Machine. It implements the Z-machine and Glulx specifications and can be used either standalone or as an applet. The Z-Code/Glulx interpreter runs adventures made by Infocom and contemporary Inte
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  • 23
    An easy to install and use toolbox for octave for the calculation purpose of power system along with features like Economic load dispatch, load flow analysis, transmission line parameter and swing equation etc
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  • 24
    The tool aims the use of OpenCL and VTK for rapid volume reconstruction based on DICOM images, and compare the different volumes (sequences recorded pre- and postoperative).
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  • 25
    BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) is used to perform operations such as vector and matrix multiplication. LAPACK is buit using BLAS. This project is a beginning of BLAS functions and procedures for OpenCL language on GPU.
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