Fit X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) data
Precision Trigonometry: Advanced Calculator for Complex Math
LibrePLM integrates CAD editors in Odoo / LibrERP
Simple user interface for gnuplot aimed for reflectometry data
Installable / Portable Python Distribution for Everyone.
Application that generates KDE-PDP plots from geochronological data
Interactive visualization of plate tectonics.
Piko solar inverter data communicator and manager
A Computer-aided Tool for Nelder Plot Design
Simply percent calculator
A tool for Gene Expression Correlation Network
Tools for reading the track data of the project "Leave a Trace"
A program to align and stack astronomical images.
Data Plotting and Analysis for Science and Engineering
A Python multiplatform tool to filter, colorise and analyse logs
Tag images using various categories and modifiers
Simple CAD program
Parse the latest Arxiv RSS stream and get your institute preprints
A Turing Machine Simulator
CNC control software
Automated reporting of Geiger Muller counter readings to
Python script that converts regular zmatrix to orca-zmatrix format.
Data analysis and circular statistics with OpenElectrophy and R