Octave Eclipse GUI
A feature selection and classification algorithm based on L1 Norm SVM
PID_control, real_time, matlab_simulink, xilinx_ise, fpga_spartan3e
A Fast Light Neuron Tracing and Editor Tool
Unix-based preparation and analysis toolbox for molecular simulations
Virtual Sound Level Meter for analyzing calibrated sound files
A program to convert different GPS date formats.
MATLAB based programs for trajectory simulations of molecules
Matlab scripts to perform cluster FDR adaptative thresholding
Toolkit for Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization
Individual Synaptic Activity Detection (ISAD)
Public MatLab toolbox for space science.
Library for working with polyhedra
A model that projects climate change impacts to coral reefs
Simulation for Physics / Bilogics Systems
A compliation of Physics derived claculators