Showing 79 open source projects for "windows key finders"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 1
    OpenAI Translator

    OpenAI Translator

    Browser extension and cross-platform desktop app based on ChatGPT API

    .... You must press the shortcut key to trigger the translation after selecting a word. It offers three modes: translation, polishing and summarization. Our tool allows for mutual translation, polishing and summarization across 55 different languages. Streaming mode is supported! It allows users to customize their translation text. One-click copying, Text-to-Speech (TTS). Available on all platforms (Windows, macOS, and Linux) for both browsers and Desktop.
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  • 2


    Near-optimal RNA-Seq quantification

    ... index, that in itself can take more than 10 minutes to build. And since it uses pseudoalignment, it is robust to errors in the reads and preserves the key information needed for quantification. This makes kallisto not only fast but highly accurate as well. In many benchmarks, it even greatly outperforms existing tools.
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  • 3


    Modern, privacy-friendly, and detailed web analytics

    Modern, privacy-friendly, and detailed web analytics that works without cookies or JS. There are a lot of web analytics tools. Unfortunately, most of them come with the following caveats. They require handing all of your visitors' info to a third-party company They use cookies to track visitors across sessions, so you need to have those annoying cookie notices. They collect so much personal data that even the NSA is jealous. They are closed source and/or expensive, often with limited data...
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  • 4


    Weather app for the terminal

    wego is a weather client for the terminal. Config file for default location which can be overridden by commandline. Automatic config management with ingo. A working Go 1.5 environment (You can use goenv if your distribution does not support Go 1.5 yet). utf-8 terminal with 256 colors. A sane monospaced font containing all the required runes (I use dejavu sans mono). An API key for the backend. You can create an account and get a free API key by signing up. You can set the $WEGORC environment...
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5
    ThingPulse ESP8266 Weather Station

    ThingPulse ESP8266 Weather Station

    ESP8266 Weather Station library supporting OpenWeatherMap

    This code works best with the NodeMCU V2 ESP8266 module and an 0.96" OLED display. To get you up and running in no time we created a kit that contains all the necessary parts. By buying this and other kits from us you are funding the maintenance and development of this library. Make sure you use a version of the Arduino IDE which is supported by the ESP8266 platform. If you are using the PlatformIO environment for building, choose one of the available IDE integration or the Atom-based IDE,...
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  • 6
    MyBatis Mapper4

    MyBatis Mapper4

    Mybatis common mapper, easy to use

    This book starts with a simple MyBatis query to build a basic development environment for learning MyBatis. Through a comprehensive sample code and test, the basic usage of adding, deleting, modifying, and checking operations in the MyBatis XML mode and annotation mode is explained, and the application of dynamic SQL in different aspects and the best practice program in the use process are introduced. Provides a wealth of examples for MyBatis advanced mapping, stored procedures, and type...
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  • 7
    GeoTools, the Java GIS toolkit

    GeoTools, the Java GIS toolkit

    Toolkit for working with and mapping geospatial data

    GeoTools is an open source (LGPL) Java code library which provides standards compliant methods for the manipulation of geospatial data. GeoTools is an Open Source Geospatial Foundation project. The GeoTools library data structures are based on Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications.
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  • 8


    Components for IEC61375 standardised communication

    TCNOpen is an open source initiative which the partner railway industries created with the aim to build in collaboration some key parts of new or upcoming railway standards, commonly known under the name TCN. TCN (Train Communication Network) is a series of international standards (IEC61375) developed by Working Group 43 of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), specifying a communication system for the data communication within and between vehicles of a train. It is currently...
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  • 9


    Fit X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) data

    KherveFitting is a full featured XPS fitting software for Windows & macOS that is simple and easy to use. KherveFitting can open Excel files (.xlsx) or import/convert .vms, .avg, .kal, .spe (Thermo, Kratos, Specs, Scienta, Omicron, Phi) files into Excel format. 5 background types available: Tougaard, Linear, Shirley, Smart, Adaptive Smart. Various peak fitting models: Product and Sum of Gaussian and Lorentzian (GL & SGL), Voigt, Asymmetric Lorentzian (LA) and many more . Fit single peaks...
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

    Ready to revolutionize your data and AI game? Test Databricks free on your cloud of choice and see the difference.

    Take your data and AI to the next level with Databricks – free trial on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Create production-ready Generative AI apps that are accurate, secure, and tailored to your business. Simplify data ingestion from hundreds of sources with effortless ETL automation. Plus, tap into instant, elastic serverless compute during your trial (available on AWS/Azure). Sign up with your work email now to unlock premium trial perks and transform how you work with data – don’t wait!
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  • 10
    DEVS-Suite Simulator

    DEVS-Suite Simulator

    Component, CA, and CCA models; superdense time, DB repo, testing, etc.

    Integrated component-based and cellular automata (CA) Parallel DEVS simulator: OFFERS: 1) synchronized execution & animation, 2) run-time linear/superdense I/O & state trajectories, 3) Action Level Real-Time modeling & simulation, 4) model checking, 5) ABM, 6) CA & composable CA playback, 7) KIB interaction modeling, 8) hierarchical model libraries, 9) Black-Box testing & debugging, 10) PostgreSQL repository, 11) FMU (OpenModelica), 12) OSATE (AADL)...
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  • 11


    Open Source Desktop GIS with Surveying and Cartography Functionality

    Open Source Desktop GIS with Surveying and Cartography Functionality. Should be seen as a Learn-GIS with basic Algorithms and Functionality in VB.NET and C#.NET without usage of Software Libraries: CAD/GIS Data (DXF, ShapeFile, GML2, GPX, KML, CSV), Data Schema, Query, Analysis, Topology, Contours, Ortho-Image Registration, Least Squares Adjustment. Also world-wide Geodata of Countries and POIs are available. A companion Scriptum gives explanation about the Theory behind MensorGIS.
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  • 12
    JRC QSAR Model Database

    JRC QSAR Model Database

    (Q)SAR Model Reporting Format Inventory

    ... The QSAR Model Reporting Format (QMRF) is a harmonised template for summarising and reporting key information on QSAR models, including the results of any validation studies. The information is structured according to the OECD validation principles. Download the QMRF Editor in order to describe your models in QMRF format and send the descriptions to to have them included in the database. More at
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  • 13


    A project on topography and weather comparison

    33 starts out to gather topographic information to compare different locations on key measures like Height Above Sea Level, Geographical Latitude, Aspect (ST_Aspect), Slope (ST_Slope), Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI, ST_TRI/ST_Roughness), Topographic Position Index (TPI, ST_TPI), or Hill Shade (ST_HillShade). Ultimately intended to make a comparing decision on suitability for agriculture. We will see how far we get or if we surpass it even, e.g with weather data and more. Why 33 as the name...
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  • 14


    Frevo is probably the simplest tool for evolutionary design

    FREVO is an open-source framework developed in Java to help engineers and scientists in evolutionary design or optimization tasks. The major feature of FREVO is the componentwise decomposition and separation of the key building blocks for each optimization tasks. We identify these as the problem definition, solution representation and the optimization method. This structure enables the components to be designed separately allowing the user to easily swap and evaluate different configurations...
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  • 15
    Arduino Launch Control System (LCS)

    Arduino Launch Control System (LCS)

    A single rod model rocket launch control system using the Arduino Nano

    This is a single rod model rocket launch control system. The system utilizes the Arduino Uno/Nano to report on local weather conditions (temperature, humidity, barometric pressure). The system also provides a 10-second countdown when the fire button is pressed. The system meets and exceeds the NAR Safety Code standard for model rocket launch systems as it incorporates a removable key to block the flow of power to the launch pad. It incorporates an additional two-button safety system...
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  • 16
    The Simplest Manual Counter

    The Simplest Manual Counter

    Manual counter with the keyboard or the mouse on images

    The only open source counter to count any items the simplest and easiest way with the keyboard, or the mouse specifically on images. After associating a key to each item, or a predefined graphical symbol for images, pressing the key or clicking on the image increments its associated counter, and displays (for the images) the symbol at the mouse's pointer location. Such a project is so simple a child could use it!
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  • 17
    Deed Map

    Deed Map

    Deed and people mapping for genealogists and local historians

    ... to people through business transactions. This “Deed Map” application is built using an Open Source tool TiddlyWiki and a key component TiddlyMap which provides a graphical representation of the relationships.
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  • 18
    ESP32 BLE Keyboard library

    ESP32 BLE Keyboard library

    Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32

    This library allows you to make the ESP32 act as a Bluetooth Keyboard and control what it does. Compatible with Android. Compatible with Windows. Compatible with Linux. Compatible with MacOS X (not stable, some people have issues, doesn't work with old devices). Compatible with iOS (not stable, some people have issues, doesn't work with old devices). There is also Bluetooth-specific information that you can set (optional): Instead of BleKeyboard bleKeyboard; you can do BleKeyboard bleKeyboard...
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  • 19
    Mimosa is a modeling and simulation platform, covering the process from building conceptual models to running the simulations. The specification uses ontologies and an extensible set of formalisms for the dynamics. The simulation kernel is based on DEVS.
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  • 20
    Arduino HomeKit ESP8266

    Arduino HomeKit ESP8266

    Native Apple HomeKit accessory implementation for the ESP8266 Arduino

    This Arduino library is a native Apple HomeKit accessory implementation for the ESP8266 Arduino core and works without any additional bridges. This project is mainly based on an esp-home kit for ESP-OPEN-RTOS. I ported the RTOS-based implementation of the esp-home kit to the pure Arduino environment, aimed at easy and fast building projects using Arduino IDE (or Eclipse with sloeber, PlatformIO). Enjoy the "one-key" build, "one-key" upload, and work to link various other Arduino libraries...
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  • 21
    Sigma TSI

    Sigma TSI

    A multifaceted Project Management and Engineering Database

    This is the TSI distribution of the Sigma database. The Sigma Database is used to manage a control projects. It has been used successfully on major engineering projects around the world. Key components include: -Documents -Correspondence -Requirements Management -Defects -Any data set relevant to the project With the data assembled and organized on one place Sigma is then able to automatically track project status and automate workflows to individuals. Sigma can connect all the data...
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  • 22


    PySCeS Constraint Based Modelling

    PySCeS CBMPy is a new platform for constraint based modelling and analysis. It has been designed using principles developed in the PySCeS simulation software project: usability, flexibility and accessibility. CBMPy supports the latest standards for encoding CBM models encoding, SBML L3 FBC, COBRA as well as MIRIAM compliant RDF and custom annotations. Its architecture is both extensible and flexible using data structures that are intuitive to the biologist while transparently...
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  • 23


    Calculates Volume, Surface Area & Centroid of a Closed Triangular Mesh

    .... A detailed description of the process is presented in the ObjectVolumeTutorial.doc document as well as program logic and results. A key component in the program is a subroutine that calculates the volume of a tetrahedron. Four sets of equations were tested and to my surprise all four produced similar results in accuracy and timing.
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  • 24

    Meaning Explorer

    A tool for analyzing the words of the Quran

    The main purpose of this tool is to help users in extracting syntagmatic relations between words, lemmas and roots available in the Quran; these relations include identifying significant collocates and words’ co-occurrences. In addition, the tool also provides other helpful functionalities that complement the primary purpose, which include a Key Word In Context (KWIC) concordance, in addition to frequency lists of all words, lemmas and roots in the holy Quran. The main intended users...
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  • 25


    A java infix evaluator based on "Shunting Yard" algorithm.

    Evaluate an arithmetic expression is as simple as: Double result = new DoubleEvaluator().evaluate("(e^3-1)*sin(pi/4)*ln(pi^2)"). But Javaluator provides you with much more ... Key features: - Functions support, including variable argument count. - Constants support: e, pi, etc ... - Variables support: Example sin(x) for x = pi/4. - Highly configurable: Reduce the built-in operator or function sets, define your own brackets. - Extensible: Define your own grammar, or extends...
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