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PRTG Network Monitor | Making the lives of sysadmins easier
Stay ahead of IT infrastructure issues
PRTG Network Monitor is an all-inclusive monitoring software solution developed by Paessler. Equipped with an easy-to-use, intuitive interface with a cutting-edge monitoring engine, PRTG Network Monitor optimizes connections and workloads as well as reduces operational costs by avoiding outages while saving time and controlling service level agreements (SLAs). The solution is packed with specialized monitoring features that include flexible alerting, cluster failover solution, distributed monitoring, in-depth reporting, maps and dashboards, and more.
JEuclid is a complete MathML rendering solution, consisting of: a MathViewer application, command line converters from MathML to other formats, an ant task for autmated conversion, display components for AWT and Swing and a component for Apache Cocoon
A system to perform analysis of large documents for the purpose of cataloging similar documents. Similarity is based upon contextual analysis of these documents done by identifying common words and proper nouns.
Project aim to provide simple easy APIs for Java developers to use interactive abilities in their Java Applications like speech recognition, handwriting recognition, use of web cam , sound record/play, decision trees , text to speech and many others.
Daniel Farinha's personal open source repository. This is the place for Dan's sandbox, small utilities, libraries, and other personal projects at incubation stage.
A linguistic tool to aid in the study of Linguistics/Phonology, specifically distinctive features of possible language sounds. Comprised of both a Visual C++ .NET version as well as a Java based web applet version. The C++ version has all but been ab
Simple interactive Java browser is basic simple browser show how we can use voice commands to navigate in web sites and use hyperlinks as a voice commands.
Singularity is a suite of RFID Middleware to support RFID enabled Supply Chain Management, integration to the enterprise, and EPCglobal. It includes edge services for device management, event filtering, workflow, as well as integration components.
EXTE recognizes temporal expressions in a text. Temporal expressions are any references to the TIME e.g.: "today", "12th march 2006", "as soon as he woke up". This analyzer will recognize three languages: Spanish, English and French.
Graph visualization using hyperbolic geometry (hyperbolic trees, but also general graphs).
Applications cover web site structures, topic maps, organisational charts and wikis.
NowCommerce is a B2B online sales platform for manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors using QuickBooks.
The platform offers two-way QuickBooks integration, easy setup at no additional charge, 24/7 selling for merchants, and powerful business insight and remote management tools. The platform comes with three modules that can be purchased individually or bundled together. These are Customer Portal, Rep Portal, and Fulfillment modules.
Ex-Crawler is divided into 3 subprojects (Crawler Daemon, distributed gui Client, (web) search engine) which together provide a flexible and powerful search engine supporting distributed computing. More informations: http://ex-crawler.sourceforge.net
An open-source desktop application for load/performance testing a web site. It has a very simple UI to configure the load test. The future plan includes transaction support, record, playback and support for load injector agents.
EMBOSS is a dynamic and comprehensive Open Source package for bioinformatics (DNA and protein sequence analysis, protein structure, phylogenetics, etc.). EMBOSS is written in C, also compatible with C++, and has a separate Java interface (Jemboss)
Trial Criteria Online Data Entry (trialCODE): a Java-based user interface that codifies eligibility requirements used to automate the screening of potential subjects to clinical trials. Used for caMATCH screening engine on BreastCancerTrials.org site.
The Virtual Commons (http://commons.asu.edu) is an open software initiative devoted to computational experiments on collective action and resource governance and funded by Arizona State University's Center for Behavior, Institutions, and the Environment (http://cbie.asu.edu).
NOTE: we've moved our development to GitHub at https://github.com/virtualcommons - please look for the latest versions there.
PORIS toolkit allows describing graph-based systems and their behavior in a snapshot. It provides a web
editor for a domain visual specific language (DSL) and transformation tools to generate software prototypes, system configurations, ...
Gridnexus provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for collaborating Web Services, Grid (WSRF) Services, local applications, and other operators together in a way that is accessible to a wide-range of applications and users.
CommonMap is an open source map project, forked from OpenStreetMap by a licence problem. CommonMap needs original softwares tuned for CommonMap. Most of software would be useful for any other open source map projects, too.
Taverna is *no longer* hosted on SourceForge, but has moved to the Apache Software Foundation: https://taverna.apache.org
These pages and mailing list archives are provided for *archival purposes* for older Taverna 1.x releases.
See https://taverna.apache.org/download/ for the latest releases from Apache Taverna.
OmicBrowse, developed with Flash and Java, is a highly evaluated genome browser integrating omics knowledge ranging from genomes to phenomes and is especially appropriate for positional-cloning purposes.
Energy-, mass- or money-flows are described with simular balances. Usually many upsetting tables are used to calculate the balance. The Software Flow visualizes the data in a grafic, zoomable and animated way.
This Project moved to https://sourceforge.net/projects/synbiowave/ because the name GeneWave is a registered trademark... Please do not use this project anymore.
BioWebAuth (Biometrics for Web Authentication) is an open source Java framework intended to provide single sign-on web authentication based on BioAPI-compliant biometric software or devices. It uses the JA-SIG Central Authentication Service architecture.
Tool for retrieve, via Web, statistics from bug trackers in free/open source software projects. The aim of this software is to provide researchers with statistics about bug-fixing process in a project
cismap is a Java based client for OGC Web Mapping Services (WMS, WFS, ...). It provides a browser oriented user interface with features like history, bookmarks. unlike web technology based clients it provides a very powerfull an comfortable user interfac