Google maps for block game
Digital Circuits Design and Simulation
molecular editor and viewer
A cross-platform fractal explorer
It's possible for machines to become self-aware.
Best in class SoC Integration Platform, IP-XACT, Verilog VHDL, UPF
Adaptive analysis of amino acid alphabets
Matlab-based analysis of Atom Probe Data
Smart GUI/Commandline tools to create IP-XACT( 2009/2014) files
Extensible Line-drawing & Polygon-filling Rasterization Libs for Java
turn-based wargame/simulator
Print Steam Tables; Plot diagrams and cycles from equations of state
Code for finding nodes in a material using first-principle approach.
Algebraic graphs
X-Ray Imaging Software for Multiple Samples
Voxel-based Finite Element Analysis for Biomechanical Applications
A statistical toolbox for diffusion processes
GelJ is a Java program for the analysis of DNA gel fingerprints images
LymPHOS2 Web-App
Calculates Curie temperature for honeycomb/hexagonal materials
Radial-velocity & transits analysis tool for exoplanets