Combines the high accuracy of AR with the scale of GPS data
This program is for text lemmatization
A 50 million tokens corpus of Classical Arabic.
مكتبة أبجد
Sistema Gestor Restaurante Comanda e Retaguarda
CueMol - Molecular Visualization Framework
Pattern-based multi/many-core parallel programming framework
Library for OpenStreetMap offline rendering and routing
Arithmetic Multlple Precision Computation Library
Is tool for query HTML content
generates nice period table from given data
Semantics Visualization for Information Visualization and Analysis
LaTeX, AscciMath and MathML editor developed in Javascript and HTML
FAA digital chart viewer for iPhone and iPad
Convert GPS-Tracks user-saved tracks to KML files for Google Earth.
Free vector,quaternion,matrix math library
DRINKS is a set of smart web-based widgets.