Hallo Northern Sky planetarium program
Image viewer/editor specialized in astrophotography 16bits processing
Structure parameter inference approach for endocrine feedback control
It's possible for machines to become self-aware.
Pascal Units for Medical Applications
Program that can solve any equation for real root/s
Discrete-event simulation modeling software for science and education
Please see details at latest guide: PH_software_User_Guide&programming
Reversible cellular automata
Astrophotography image capture, session sequencer / PHD2 interface
SHGs like Sol'Ex captured SER videos processing
Class library for computational cybernetics
Liothyronine dosage calculator
Framework for Systems Biology
cmdline and ui interfaces to ANSVR - astrophotography plate solving
Logiciel de Gnomonique
Pascal library for bioinformatics
32/64 bit multi-platform Ethernet S7 PLC communication suite
biOP [bio~ObjectPascal/bio~Delphi] bioinformatics libraries