Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo
Arbitrary-precision CRC calculator and algorithm finder
IEC 60870-5-104 protocol tester.
An information system for cyclists in Berlin and Brandenburg
BoPlanets shows planets relatively to an observing planet.
MDG for Sparx' Enterprise Architect to Create TRAK arch. descriptions
A canvas library for generating technical drawings
atom probe software : visualisation and data analysis
A hex editor Eclipse plugin and multi-platform desktop application
Stop to rack your brain, start using process-oriented decision tables!
CloudSat and CALIPSO plotting tool
World's first open source data quality & data preparation project
Information Manager(split/analyze/compare/combine).
An Open Source POWERLINK network configuration toolkit
Compare binary files in hexadecimal view
Scommunication is easy to use rs232 rs485 communication application
Tools for reading the track data of the project "Leave a Trace"